Modern Europe—Book Summaries

    France     Italy and the Church     Austria and Prussia
    Russia     Great War


The Story of Napoleon   by H. E. Marshall
This book tells the story of Napoleon, one of the most outstanding characters in European history, in a manner appropriate for grammar and middle school students. Napoleon was a young Corsican officer at the time of the French Revolution. He distinguished himself first in the French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1798) and by 1804 had established himself as the undisputed head of France and crowned himself emperor. During the following decade he brought all of Europe under his power before losing everything after his disastrous march on Russia. He remains one of the most controversial characters of history. 35 credits

The Little Dauphin   by George Upton
This book tells the story of the French revolution from the point of view of the crown prince of France, the son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. After the execution of his parents, the seven-year-old boy was taken from his family and kept prisoner for three years, during which time he was tortured, beaten and abused. His story, told with enough discretion to make it suitable for young people, provides a dramatic and pathetic insight into the cruelties and viciousness of the French revolution. 46 credits

Struggle for Sea Power   by M. B. Synge
Book IV of the Story of the World series focuses on the age of world colonization, particularly during 18th century. The histories of European colonies in America, Australia, South Africa, and India are related, along with the ongoing wars between Britain and France for domination in Asia and North America. Also covered are the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the campaigns of Napoleon.94 credits

The Story of Modern France   by Helene Guerber
This comprehensive history of France from the years leading up to the French Revolution to the years immediately before World War I give an excellent overview of one of the most dramatic and turbulent centuries in European history. Beginning with the corrupt and extravagant reign of Louis XV, much of the book focuses on the turbulent period from the events leading up to the French Revolution to Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. The final third of the book covers the Restoration, the second Empire under Napoleon III, and the Third Republic formed after the devastating Franco-Prussian war.142 credits

The Story of France   by Mary Macgregor
This comprehensive history of France covers Gaul from the Roman conquest to the Franco-Prussian War in the late 19th century. The stories of French heroes such as Vercingetorix, Clovis, Roland, Charlemagne, Rollo the Viking, St. Louis, Bertrand du Guesclin, Joan of Arc, Charles the Bold, Bayard, Henry Navarre, Louis XIV, and Napoleon Bonaparte are told with great interest.226 credits

Stories of the French Revolution   by Walter Montgomery
This beautifully illustrated book, published on the anniversary of the reign of Terror in France, is an excellent middle school introduction to the drama of the French Revolution. The story is told in enough depth to be of abiding interest, but focus is mostly on the dramatic events of the era, without too much reflection on the confusing politics of the situation.74 credits

Marie Antoinette   by Alice Birkhead
Marie Antoinette was one of the most tragic figures of the French revolution. This biography traces her life from her frivolous youth as a carefree and extravagant young queen, through the drama of the revolution and the calamities of the Reign of Terror, and finally to her stoic and courageous death on the scaffold. 58 credits

Story of the French Revolution   by Alice Birkhead
This book recounts the story of the French Revolution from a point of view that is sympathetic to the aims of the Revolution. Fascinating stories of the revolution detailed in this volume include the September massacres, the reign of terror, and insights into the lives of Rousseau, Mirabeau, Madame Roland, Robespierre, Charlotte Corday, Marie Antoinette, and the unfortunate Dauphin, Louis XVII. The story ends with the rise of Napoleon. 112 credits

Eugenie - Empress of France   by George Upton
The story of Napoleon III Emperor of France from 1852 to 1870 is well told through the life story of Eugenie, his Empress, whom he married for love, rather than political connections. Although their 20 year reign included many triumphs, it ended disastrously as a result the Franco-Prussian War. Eugenie outlived her husband by nearly 50 years and saw France through a difficult and tumultuous half-century. 50 credits

Maximilian in Mexico   by George Upton
The tragic story of Maximilian of Mexico is one of political opportunism and rank treachery. Maximilian and his lovely wife Carlotta, who were pampered European royalty, were in no way prepared for the back-stabbing treachery from both Mexicans and Europeans which confronted them when they accepted the crown of the Mexico. 42 credits

Lafayette for Young Americans   by Rupert Holland
The book follows the fascinating career of the Marquis de Lafayette from his youth in France, through the years of his heroic service to Washington during the Revolutionary Wars, to his ill-fated service the Revolutionary cause in France. The story of Lafayette's life provides a fascinating juxtaposition between the successful and laudatory American revolution, and the far more blood-thirsty French revolution. The author does an excellent job of presenting complicated political events in terms comprehensible to middle school ages students.103 credits

Story of Napoleon   by H. F. B. Wheeler
Napoleon is one of the most fascinating characters of all time, not only because of his tremendous military achievements but because of his many strategic insights into human nature, government, and geopolitics. He rocked all of Europe not only with his armies but with his visions of a secular and "enlightened" government. This story of his life recounts his military achievements in detail and gives some insight into his motivations and character. 141 credits

Hortense   by John S. C. Abbott
Hortense de Beauharnais was the daughter of Josephine, the wife of Napoleon's brother Louis, and the mother of Napoleon III. Her life spanned the era from the French Revolution throughout the Napoleonic Wars and the tumultuous years of the first French Republic, and provides insight into both the political developments of the age, and the domestic relationships of the extended Bonaparte family. 114 credits

Joseph Bonaparte   by John S. C. Abbott
Joseph Bonaparte was the oldest brother of Napoleon and one of his closest advisors. He shared all of the best of Napoleon's republican ideals, but lacked his brother's zeal and will to power. He was placed first on the throne of Naples and later on the throne of Spain; in these positions he governed justly but without the commanding resolve necessary to suppress rebellions and dissent from every quarter. Abbott's treatment of the Bonapartes is highly sympathetic and includes much correspondence between the brothers which gives enormous insight into the minds of both men. 115 credits

Josephine   by John S. C. Abbott
Josephine was a French aristocrat who was widowed by the French Revolution, but her fortunes turned once more when she married an ambitious young officer in the Revolutionary army, Napoleon Bonaparte. The story of the rise of Napoleon from obscurity to the emperor of the French and the master of Europe is told with great insight from the point of view of his closest advisor and confidant.94 credits

Louis Philippe   by John S. C. Abbott
Louis Philippe was the son of the Duke of Orleans, the wealthy and liberal aristocrat who joined his fortunes with the commoners during the French Revolution only to lose his head during the Reign of Terror. His son spent much of the next twenty years in exile and, after his cousin Charles X was deposed during the Revolution of 1830, was crowned King of France. Louis Philippe ruled as a liberal constitutional monarch and tried to help modernize the country, but even he could not satisfy the republican ambitions of the French radicals. He was deposed in 1848. 113 credits

Madame Roland   by John S. C. Abbott
Madame Roland was one of the most fascinating characters of the French Revolution. Born into relative poverty, Marie Roland was a brilliant intellectual who married into a noble family. Her husband was a minister of the Revolutionary government during the early years of the French Revolution, and she became secretary and behind-the-scenes mastermind of the Girondist party. Although the Girondists thoroughly supported the revolution, their criticism of the outrages of some of the lawless revolutionaries earned them the enmity of the increasingly radical Jacobin party, and Marie Roland died on the scaffold during the reign of terror. 86 credits

Europe and the Great War   by Charles Morris
This book covers all the major developments 19th century European history with the intention of explaining how international conflicts set the stage for the Great European War of 1914-1918. Beginning with the Napoleonic wars of the early 1800's and ending with the Balkan wars of the early 1900's, the books covers all major developments in international relations of Europe with a particular emphasis on England, Prussia, and France. The final chapters are dedicated to a description of how the continent fell into war and how modern methods of warfare have dramatically changed to course of current conflicts.230 credits

Italy and the Catholic Church

Garibaldi and his Red Shirts   by F. J. Snell
Garibaldi is one of the most interesting of the characters involved in the wars of Italian Unification. He was an extreme radical and violently anti-Catholic, but idealistic and selfless in his efforts; always willing to risk his own life and property while accepting no reward or position for his services . He was a warrior rather than a statesman, and this biography follows his military career in detail. The politics involved in the Unification of Italy were exceedingly complicated so the episodes of treachery, shifting alliances, secret missions, and geo-political struggles may be difficult to follow without a previous introduction to the period, but the military campaigns in and of themselves, are of great interest.75 credits

Heroes of Modern Europe   by Alice Birkhead
The author recounts the lives of two dozen of the most prominent men of Europe with special emphasis on their role in the conflict between the Church and state. The lives of Dante, Luther, Charles V, Henry of Navarre, Peter the Great, Voltaire, Frederick the Great, Napoleon and Garibaldi are given along with others, from a generally progressive point of view. 102 credits

Boy's Book of Battles   by Eric Wood
This book focuses on the military exploits of dozens of the most important battles in world history. Although a brief overview of the political issues involved is usually given , the main focus is on the daring deeds, strategies, and exploits of the battles themselves. Many critical battles from world history are given, including Marathon, Tours, Agincourt, and the Armada, but the book also strongly emphasizes 19th century battles, including Waterloo, Trafalgar, Balaclava, Palermo, Gettysburg, and Koniggratz.151 credits

Growth of the British Empire   by M. B. Synge
Book V of the Story of the World Series focuses on the 19th century and is written from a British centric point of view. It covers the revolutions in South America and Mexico, the Boer War in South Africa, and the exploration of Central Africa, the Greek and Italian wars for independence, the Crimean War, the American Civil War, the opening of trade with Japan and China, and the rebellion in India. 93 credits

Europe and the Great War   by Charles Morris
This book covers all the major developments 19th century European history with the intention of explaining how international conflicts set the stage for the Great European War of 1914-1918. Beginning with the Napoleonic wars of the early 1800's and ending with the Balkan wars of the early 1900's, the books covers all major developments in international relations of Europe with a particular emphasis on England, Prussia, and France. The final chapters are dedicated to a description of how the continent fell into war and how modern methods of warfare have dramatically changed to course of current conflicts.230 credits

Church - Later Modern Times   by Notre Dame
This fifth book of a five volume Church History covers the 18th and 19th centuries, and deals with the trials of the church in the modern age. The rise of statist governments, who sought control of church property and influence while claiming to support Christianity, was the challenge of the post-enlightenment age. These centuries saw both triumph and disaster for the universal church, and the rise of a number of notable popes. 62 credits

Life of Pius X   by F. A. Forbes
Pius X, born Giuseppe Sarto in a small town in Italy, was pope during the early years of the 20th century. He was a staunch supporter of traditional Catholic dogma against the surging tide of secular modernism, and his personal piety was a great inspiration to those around him. He opposed the increasingly anti-Christian government of France, stood firm for Catholic tradition and teach, and promoted the sacrament of the Eucharist. He died in the opening days of the Great War after doing everything in his power to prevent the calamitous conflict. 75 credits

Proofs of a Conspiracy   by John Robison
This fascinating treatise was written soon after the French Revolution by a British Physicist who was horrified at the atheist, insurrectionalist character of many of the European Freemason lodges. The author had access to pamphlets and correspondence from the Freemasons and other secret societies that gave evidence for their involvement in the worst abuses of the French revolution, and the corruption of civil society in Germany. His work provides a fascinating insight into a dark and mysterious, but very important influence on 19th century politics in Europe. 173 credits

Austria and Prussia

Stories from Wagner   by C. E. Smith
The story of three of Wagner's most famous operas are beautifully retold in a simple and romantic fashion that is accessible even to grammar school age children. There are three stories altogether. Lohengrin is about a sorceress who casts a spell on a prince of Belgium in the days of Henry the Fowler. The Mastersingers of Nuremberg is a romance about a singer who wins the heart of a Nuremberg maiden, and the Flying Dutchman is about a merchant under the spell of the seas.37 credits

Famous Men of Modern Times   by John Haaren
Biographical sketches of thirty-three of the most famous characters from the age of the Renaissance in Europe to the late nineteenth century. Included are well-known greats such as Charles V, Solyman the Magnificent, Drake, Raleigh, Richelieu, Louis XIV, Newton, Peter the Great, Washington, Pitt, and Napoleon as well as many others. 119 credits

Peeps at History - Germany   by John Finnemore
This brief history of Germany begins with the migration of the Germanic tribes over Europe around the fifth century A.D. and ends with the Franco Prussian War and the creation of the German confederation under the leadership of Prussia. It is beautifully illustrated and covers all the major characters and events of German history in less than a hundred pages. 40 credits

History of Germany   by H. E. Marshall
A history of Germany from the first encounter of the Teutonic tribes with the Romans to the eve of the First World War. The first part of the book traces the migrations of the Germanic nations throughout western Europe and their unification under Charlemagne. During the middle ages the Holy Roman Empire was a loosely controlled confederacy of German states, which did not become united until Prussia rose to prominence in the 18th century.186 credits

Maria Theresa of Austria   by George Upton
Maria Theresa was Archduchess of Austria for forty years, spanning much of the 18th century. The Austrian Empire was large and diverse, and Austria was surrounded on all sides by dangerous foes, most significantly Frederick the Great of Prussia who spent much of his career expanding the borders of Prussia at the expense of Austria. This book draws a sympathetic portrait of one of the most interesting and powerful women in European history.43 credits

Frederick the Great   by George Upton
This book focuses mainly on the event-filled Seven Years War, rather than the full life of Frederick the Great. Its focus on the period of greatest conflict and drama permits the most significant events of Frederick's life to be told in detail. It is an excellent companion book to Theresa Maria of Austria, which covers many of the same events from the Austrian, rather than the Prussian point of view.50 credits

Elizabeth - Empress of Austria   by George Upton
Elizabeth of Austria was an romantic heroine of the 19th century rather than an important political personage. Beautiful and well educated, she distained court life, and spent much of her life traveling in western Europe. Although graced with every advantage, her personal life was filled with disappointments and tragedies including the suicide of her son, Rudolf the Crown Prince, and her own tragic assassination.48 credits

Joseph Haydn   by George Upton
Haydn was one of the most important and original composers of the 18th century. Although born in Austria, Haydn made many trips to England and was extremely popular throughout all of Europe. He was also a close friend of Mozart and a teacher of Beethoven. He lived an exemplary life and was universally admired. 57 credits

Louise - Queen of Prussia   by George Upton
Louise, Queen of Prussia is one of the most heroic figures of the Napoleonic war era. She rallied the country to resist Napoleon and did everything in her power to maintain Prussian rights under the tyrannical regime of Napoleon. Her son William I became the first Emperor of Germany, and she was a beloved Prussian heroine for over a century. 39 credits

Mozart's Youth   by George Upton
This story tells only of the youth of Mozart, who already at fifteen was considered a genius and protegy. The emphasis is on his early experiences and character formation rather than his short but brilliant career. 36 credits

Undine   by George Upton
This famous German romance is based on 18th century story of a water spirit who marries a human in order become mortal. It is full of mischief, treachery, and drama. It was made into a very popular Opera by Hoffman and was emblematic of the 19th century rebirth of German romantic culture. 46 credits

Emperor William First   by George Upton
This biography of William the First, the first Kaiser of Germany was written before the First World War, and in retrospect appears fawning toward its subject. At the time it was written however, Prussia was greatly admired throughout much of the west for its technical achievements and its progressive, secular government, and the Emperor was highly regarded. 40 credits

Beethoven   by George Upton
This children's biography of Beethoven focuses on the youth of the great composer, a period of hardship due mainly to the abuse his family suffered at the hands of his talented, but violent and alcoholic father. Beethoven's genius was apparent from an early age, and he received support from friends and admirers, yet his life included many struggles and much sadness. His tremendous achievements were a result of prodigious effort, resolve, and courage as well as talent, and this short biography covers just those dramatic episodes most likely to be of interest to young people. 38 credits

Baron Munchausen   by R. E. Raspe
Baron Munchenhausen is notable as one of the most notorious liars of the 19th century and this book recounts his highly unlikely stories of adventure and escapes. The Baron himself was a German soldier, who fought in the Russian-Turkish Wars, but his only claim to fame was his notorious propensity for exaggeration and outright fabrication in recounting his exploits therein. He is credited with coining the term 'bootstrap', by way of explaining how he escape from a swamp (by pulling himself out by his own bootstrap).56 credits

Boy's Book of Battles   by Eric Wood
This book focuses on the military exploits of dozens of the most important battles in world history. Although a brief overview of the political issues involved is usually given , the main focus is on the daring deeds, strategies, and exploits of the battles themselves. Many critical battles from world history are given, including Marathon, Tours, Agincourt, and the Armada, but the book also strongly emphasizes 19th century battles, including Waterloo, Trafalgar, Balaclava, Palermo, Gettysburg, and Koniggratz.151 credits

Two German Giants   by John Lord
These portraits of Frederick the Great and Otto Von Bismarck, the two great architects of the Prussian empire were written by a Christian who clearly identifies the spiritual abyss at the heart of Prussian nationalism. He cannot help but admire the courage and brilliance of these leaders while remaining skeptical that German pragmatism, so admired by western leaders of the 19th century, was at heart atheistic. A fawning essay, written a contemporary admirer of Bismarck, and a well-known speech Bismarck gave to the Reichstag provide additional perspectives.62 credits

Bismarck and German Empire   by J. W. Headlam
This biography of Bismarck focuses mainly on his life as a brilliant statesmen who laid the foundations of the German empire. Bismarck is best known for his keen judgment regarding foreign relations. By cleverly manipulating foreign governments, he was able to set his rivals against each other, prevent alliances that would stand against Prussia, and provoke his enemies to undertake foolish campaigns. He oversaw the rise of the German nation to the foremost position in Europe, and laid the foundation for German military dominance in Europe. 189 credits

Europe and the Great War   by Charles Morris
This book covers all the major developments 19th century European history with the intention of explaining how international conflicts set the stage for the Great European War of 1914-1918. Beginning with the Napoleonic wars of the early 1800's and ending with the Balkan wars of the early 1900's, the books covers all major developments in international relations of Europe with a particular emphasis on England, Prussia, and France. The final chapters are dedicated to a description of how the continent fell into war and how modern methods of warfare have dramatically changed to course of current conflicts.230 credits

Confessions of Frederick   by H. Treitschke
This book combines a hundred pages of Frederick the Great's personal diaries, with a short biography of the Prussian King written by an eminant German nationalist, liberal, historian. The works were published during the Great War and the author's intent was to demonstrate that the roots of the secular, militaristic, "gospel of inhumanity" preached by German philosophers of the early 20th century reached all the way back to the foundation of Prussia under Europe's first openly atheistic monarch. 100 credits

Germany and the Next War   by F. Von Bernhardi
This is not a history book , but rather, a treatise on Prussian militarism published a few years before the outbreak of the First World War. Supposedly written by a leading Prussian general, it lays out the case for German military aggression in "scientific" terms, justifying the expansion of the Prussian empire in terms of the inevitability of military conflict, Darwinian laws of nature, the superiority of the German race, and a 'progressive', inhuman vision for the advancement of mankind. It was likely intended as provocative 'anti-German' propaganda, in order to incite the British people to support another cataclysmic, internecine, world war. 149 credits

History of Prussia   by John S. C. Abbott
Fascinating account of the Rise of the Prussian Empire. The first part of the book examines the early years of Prussia— from its rise from a minor duchy to a major European power under Frederick the Great, to its struggles with France during the Napoleonic era. Most of the book however, is dedicated to the formation of the German Empire under Bismarck which made Prussia the predominant power in Europe. It ends with a detailed description of the Franco-Prussian war and the calamity of the Paris Commune, which occurred only a year before the book was written. 156 credits


When I was a Boy in Russia   by Vladimir de Bogory
This book tells the fascinating story of how a young nobleman of great promise, growing up in 19th century Russia, became attracted to the revolutionary ideas popular among the upper classes of Old Russia. He tells of his involvement in early revolutionary movements, and of his disillusionment, arrest, imprisonment and escape to the west. This book was written shortly before the communist takeover, so give a wonderful portrayal of pre-revolutionary Russia. It is written at a very easy-to-read level, but very absorbing for older students as well. 47 credits

The Story of Russia   by R. Van Bergen
This book gives the history of the Russian Slavic people from the Russian kingdom, founded by Rurik the Viking, to the years immediately before the Russian Revolution. The History of the Slavic people begins in towns and trading villages along Volga and Don Rivers. The Tartar invasion in the 13th century put Russia under the Mongol yoke for nearly two hundred years, but gradually, after Peter the Great brought Russia into the modern world, Russia become a great European power. By the end of the 19th century, however, her degenerate monarchy was ripe for revolution.111 credits

Boy's Book of Battles   by Eric Wood
This book focuses on the military exploits of dozens of the most important battles in world history. Although a brief overview of the political issues involved is usually given , the main focus is on the daring deeds, strategies, and exploits of the battles themselves. Many critical battles from world history are given, including Marathon, Tours, Agincourt, and the Armada, but the book also strongly emphasizes 19th century battles, including Waterloo, Trafalgar, Balaclava, Palermo, Gettysburg, and Koniggratz.151 credits

Historical Tales - Russian   by Charles Morris
This collection of stories from Poland and Russia begin with the Scythians, thought to be the predecessors of the Slavs, to the years immediately preceding the Russian Revolution. The stories of the earliest governors of Novogorod and the principality of Moscow are given, and the complete tale of Russia's rise from obscurity to one of the most powerful empires on the globe. 136 credits

I Speak for the Silent   by V. Tchernavin
This deeply moving, and frightfully truthful book about the horrors of Soviet communism was written by one of the early victims of Stalin's Reign of Terror. The author was a Russian scientist who escaped from a labor-prison in Northern Russia and lived to tell the truth about the Soviet system. His story provides a horrifying portrait of a totalitarian state with no regard for human rights or dignity, but it was dismissed as "anti-Soviet propaganda" by many western apologists for socialism when it was first published in 1934. 179 credits

Escape from the Soviets   by T. Tchernavin
This book was written by the wife of a scientist who was imprisoned by the Soviet government. The first part of the book tells of her ordeal as both she and her husband are arrested, interrogated, and imprisoned, for no apparent reason. The second part tells of her daring escape with her husband and son from a Soviet prison camp north of the Arctic circle through the desolate wilderness of Northern Russia. It is a deeply moving, personal, and frightening account of a brutal, senseless, and utterly tyrannical government.136 credits

Peter the Great   by Jacob Abbott
By sheer force of will, Peter the Great single-handedly imposed modernization on a highly resistant Russia. He overcame foes from within his country, including his sister Sophia, whom the anti-modernist forces favored for the throne. He overcame Charles XII of Sweden, his great rival for control of the Baltic, in spite of overwhelming defeats. He considered his son Alexis unworthy of the throne and had him killed rather than trust his kingdom to a libertine. 106 credits

Prussians Came to Poland   by L. DeGozdawa
This first person account of a American woman trapped in occupied Poland during the early years of the First World War gives a moving and chilling account of the atrocities perpetrated by the Prussian army. The arrogance of the Germans toward "inferior" races was tempered by the fact that the author claimed American citizenship, yet her sympathies were always with the oppressed Poles and Russians who were considered an inferior breed and brutally mistreated. 88 credits

Europe and the Great War   by Charles Morris
This book covers all the major developments 19th century European history with the intention of explaining how international conflicts set the stage for the Great European War of 1914-1918. Beginning with the Napoleonic wars of the early 1800's and ending with the Balkan wars of the early 1900's, the books covers all major developments in international relations of Europe with a particular emphasis on England, Prussia, and France. The final chapters are dedicated to a description of how the continent fell into war and how modern methods of warfare have dramatically changed to course of current conflicts.230 credits

The Great War

Belgian Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
As the Germans invade Belgium 9 year old twins Jan and Marie experience the horrors of the First World War. Separated from their mother and father after a bombing raid, the children meet with much danger as they search for their missing parents. In the course of their search they assist a family of refugees, and are themselves sent as refugees out of the country before being reunited with their family.49 credits

French Twins   by Lucy F. Perkins
In the threatening atmosphere of the first world war, 9 year-old twins Pierre and Pierette brave the dangers of the German invasion in their home town of Rheims. In the midst of daily bombing from the Germans, they carry on their daily activities to the best of their abilities. When the danger grows to great they flee with their parents to a safer village where they meet with American soldiers.51 credits

Little Book of the War   by E. M. Tappan
This book gives a clear and thorough description of the causes and course of the first world war. The complicated ambitions and grievances of the axis powers, namely Germany, Austria, and Turkey are first made clear. As the war unfolds and the fronts multiply; first in France and Eastern Europe, and then later, in Italy, Serbia, and Turkey, an excellent summary of all major operations are given, as well as an introduction to the new techniques of 'modern warfare'. 54 credits

Boys' Book of Battles   by Chelsea Fraser
Eleven of the most important battles in American and European History are brought to life in this volume, which spends enough time giving interesting background and detailed information, to give each battle vital and lively interest. Particularly moving are three eye-witness accounts of the horrors of the Great War, at Verdun, Ypres, and Argonne. Other battles recounted include Saratoga, Yorktown, and Gettysburg in America, and Sedan, Austerlitz, and Waterloo in Europe. 140 credits

Heroic Deeds of the Great War   by D. A. Mackenzie
This book does not provide an overview of the Great War, but instead focuses on individual heroes and heroic events that occurred during the war. It provide brief bios of only a few of WWI leaders, including Kitchener, Joffre, and Jellico, but for the most part, tells soldiers stories, and anecdotes of personal interest. It was published in the year that the Great War came to a close so it tells the stories of the war with an immediate, rather than a reflective passion. 67 credits

Story of the Great War   by Roland Usher
This book is written for the General reader and gives a very complete overview of the Great War It briefly explains the causes and sentiments of the war, along with a comprehensive overview of the battle strategies. The author observes that the vast scale of the war, and the fact that simultaneous battles occurred on various fronts makes a full comprehension of the war difficult, but then proceeds to provide an engaging, but thorough review. 144 credits

Germany and the Next War   by F. Von Bernhardi
This is not a history book , but rather, a treatise on Prussian militarism published a few years before the outbreak of the First World War. Supposedly written by a leading Prussian general, it lays out the case for German military aggression in "scientific" terms, justifying the expansion of the Prussian empire in terms of the inevitability of military conflict, Darwinian laws of nature, the superiority of the German race, and a 'progressive', inhuman vision for the advancement of mankind. It was likely intended as provocative 'anti-German' propaganda, in order to incite the British people to support another cataclysmic, internecine, world war. 149 credits