Tudors and Stuarts - M. B. Synge |
(1) With the help of the Table on page 22, make a genealogical tree of the Tudor sovereigns (with dates).
(2) Compare the way people "shopped," delivered letters, and amused themselves, in Tudor times and to-day.
(1) Describe the map on page 30, so as to show what were men's ideas of the geography of the world. before the
great discoveries.
(2) Imagine yourself one of the crew of the Santa Maria and describe the voyage across the "Sea of Darkness."
Describe England in the reign of Henry VII under these headings (a) The peasants, (b) Nobles, (c) Clergy and
(1) Name the chief things that Henry VIII did to separate the English Church from the Pope.
(2) Find out from the book what two great events took place in 1529.
(1) Give an account of the Destruction of the Monasteries.
(2) Why was Thomas Cromwell so much hated? Tell the story of his fall.
(1) State the object of the Act of Uniformity.
(2) Compare Mary's reign of terror with Thomas Cromwell's.
(1) Describe the condition, of England in 1558, and compare it with the England of to-day.
(2) Name the chief things that Elizabeth did to "establish" the National Church.
(3) Tell the story of Mary's return from France to Scotland as if you had been with her all the time.
Imagine yourself to be one of Drake's companions, and write a letter home to tell your friends how Drake first
saw the Pacific.
(1) What were the chief reasons why Philip of Spain decided to invade England?
(2) "The singeing of the King of Spain's beard"—what was that?
(3) The Armada. Tell its story-taking care to make an outline first. (Name and compare the leaders on each
side, and their objects; the famous Friday night in England and how the news of the Armada spread; the fight
in the Channel, the fireships, the storm and the wrecks.)
(1) Tell the story of the last voyage of Drake and Hawkins.
(2) How was it a second Armada did not come to England?
(1) Describe the theatres and acting of Shakespeare's days.
(2) Tell the story of any one of the plays which you have read.
(3) What do you think were the most important events in the reign of Elizabeth?
(4) Compare the position of (a) England, (b) Spain at the beginning and end of Elizabeth's reign.
(1) Write down the Stuart sovereigns in order of their succession.
(2) Who was John Evelyn? Make a list of the events of which was an eye-witness.
(1) Write a description of England 300 years ago under these headings: (a) Farming; (b) Appearance of country,
wild animals, etc.; (c) Towns, trade, and population; (d) Roads and travelling; (e) The "wild north"; (f) Army
and navy.
(2) "Religion and politics are mingled in almost every great event"—give examples of this.
(1) Why was it there so much persecution in England 300 years ago?
(2) What were the (a) object, (b) result of the Gunpowder Plot? How was it betrayed?
(1) How did the Puritans differ from the Anglicans?
(1) Describe Charles I's third Parliament, and show what part Eliot took in it.
(1) Name some of Charles I's arbitrary acts during the Eleven Years.
(1) "The meeting of the Long. Parliament was one of the greatest events in all history." Show this by making a
list of its doings.
(2) Give an account of the Arrest of the Five Members as if you had been an eye-witness.
(1) Why do you think the Civil War was fought?
(2) Say briefly (a) how the country was divided between the two parties; and (b) how the Civil War was fought.
(3) Describe any one battle of the Civil War, preferably that which happened nearest your own home.
(4) Mention any incidents which throw light on the character of (a) Rupert, (b) Cromwell, (c). Charles I
(1) "The trial of the king was a strange and terrible scene." Describe it, and show why.
(2) Write down your opinion of the character of Charles I, referring, to any of his words or acts which you
can remember, and showing his good as well as his bad points.
(1) Describe Charles II's escape and wanderings after the Battle of Worcester.
(2) Why was Cromwell's rule unpopular? Could this be avoided?
(3) May 29th, 1660. Describe the events of this day in London, as if you had been present and were writing to
tell a friend in the country.
(1) What was the Clarendon Code? And what is the strict meaning of the word "Nonconformist"?
(2) Summarise the most important events of the reign of Charles II.
(1) "Then 30,000 Cornish boys will know the reason why." Explain this.
(2) What led to the invitation to William of Orange to become King of England?
(1) Write some account of the Revolution Settlement under these headings: (a) Control by Parliament; (b)
Beginning of Party Government; (c) Toleration for Dissenters.
(2) What was the Act of Settlement (1701)? What was its object?
(1) How was it that the Duke of Marlborough was such an important man? What had his European victories to do
with England?
(2) Show how the country was in danger of Jacobite invasions towards the end of Anne's life.
(1) Show what progress the country had made under the Stuart Rule (1603—1714). Use these headings: (a)
King, Parliament, Party Government; (b) Church and Nonconformists; (c) Judges; (d) Life of the people,
amusements, etc.; (e) Travel and inns; (f) Towns and population.
(2) Describe the characters of six of the most important men of the Stuart period.
(3) Explain why Parliament was so much more important during the Stuart period than during the Tudor period.
(4) What do you know of Milton, Bunyan, and Pepys?
(5) Describe the character, aims and difficulties of (a) Oliver Cromwell, (b) William III.
(6) Whom do you prefer—Henry VIII or Charles I? State your reasons fully.