Book of Discovery - M. B. Synge |
The oldest known Ships | 6000-5000 (B.C.) |
Expedition to Punt | 1600 |
Phoenician Expeditions | 700 |
Neco's Fleet built | 613 |
Anaximander, the Greek, invents Maps | 580 |
Hecatceus writes the First Geography | 500 |
Herodotus describes Egypt | 446 |
Hanno sails down West Coast of Africa | 450 |
Xenophon crosses Asia Minor | 401 |
Alexander the Great finds India | 327 |
Nearchus navigates the Indian Ocean | 326 |
The Geography of Eratosthenes | 240-196 |
Pytheas discovers the British Isles and Thule | 333 |
Julius Cesar explores France, Britain, Germany | 60-54 |
Strabo's Geography | 18 (A.D.) |
Agricola discovers the Highlands | 83 |
Pliny's Geography | 170 |
Ptolemny's Geography and Maps | 159 |
The First Guide for Travellers | Fourth century |
St. Patrick explores Ireland | 432-493 |
St. Columba reaches the Orkney Isles | 563 |
St. Brandon crosses the Atlantic | Sixth Century |
Willibald travels from Britain to Jerusalem | 721 |
The Christian Topography of Cosmas | Sixth Century |
Naddod the Viking discovers Iceland | 861 |
Erik the Red discovers Greenland | 985 |
Lief discovers Newfoundland and N. America | 1000 |
Othere navigates the Baltic Sea | 890 |
Mohammedan Travellers to China | 831 |
Edrisi's Geography | 1154 |
Benjamin of Tudela visits India and China | 1160 |
Carpini visits the Great Khan | 1246 |
William de Rubruquis also visits the Great Khan | 1255 |
Maflio and Niccolo Polo reach China | 1260-1271 |
Marco Polo's Travels | 1271—1295 |
Ibn Batuta's Travels through Asia | 1324-1348 |
Sir John Mandeville's Travels published | 1372 |
Hereford Mappa Mundi appeared | 1280 |
Anglo-Saxon Map of the World | 990 |
Prince Henry of Portugal encourages Exploration | 1418 |
Zarco and Vaz reach Porto Santo | 1419 |
Zarco discovers Madeira | 1420 |
Nuno Tristam discovers Cape Blanco | 1441 |
Gonsalves discovers Cape Verde Islands | 1442 |
Cadamosto reaches the Senegal River and Cape Verde | 1455 |
Diego Gomez reaches the Gambia River | 1458 |
Death of Prince Henry | 1460 |
Fra Mauro's Map | 1457 |
Diego Cam discovers the Congo | 1484 |
Bartholomew Diaz rounds the Cape of Good Hope | 1486 |
Martin Behaim makes his Globe | 1492 |
Christopher Columbus discovers West Indies | 1492 |
Columbus finds Jamaica and other Islands | 1493 |
Columbus finds Trinidad | 1498 |
Death of Columbus | 1504 |
Amerigo Vespucci finds Trinidad and Venezuela | 1499 |
First Map of the New World by Juan de la Cosa | 1500 |
Vasco da Gama reaches India by the Cape | 1497 |
Pedro Cabral discovers Brazil | 1500 |
Francisco Serrano reaches the Spice Islands | 1511 |
Balboa sees the Pacific Ocean | 1513 |
The First Circumnavigation of the World | 1519-1522 |
Cordova discovers Yucatan | 1517 |
Juan Grijalva discovers Mexico | 1518 |
Cortes conquers Mexico | 1519 |
Pizarro conquers Peru | 1531 |
Orcllana discovers the Amazon | 1541 |
Cabot sails to Newfoundland | 1497 |
Jacques Cartier discovers the Gulf of St. Lawrence | 1534 |
Sir Hugh Willoughby finds Nova Zembla | 1553 |
Richard Chancellor reaches Moscow via Archangel | 1554 |
Anthony Jenkinson crosses Russia to Bukhara | 1558 |
Pinto claims the discovery of Japan | 1542 |
Martin Frobisher discovers his Bay | 1576 |
Drake sails round the World | 1577-80 |
Davis finds his Strait | 1586 |
Barents discovers Spitzbergen | 1596 |
Hudson sails into his Bay | 1610 |
Baffin discovers his Bay | 1616 |
Sir Walter Raleigh explores Guiana | 1595 |
Champlain discovers Lake Ontario | 1615 |
Torres sails through his Strait | 1605 |
Le Maire rounds Cape horn | 1617 |
Tasman finds Tasmania | 1642 |
Dampier discovers his Strait | 1698 |
Behring finds his Strait | 1741 |
Cook discovers New Zealand | 1769 |
Cook anchors in Botany Bay, Australia | 1770 |
Cook discovers the Sandwich Islands | 1777 |
La Perouse makes discoveries in China | 1785-88 |
Bruce discovers the source of the Blue Nile | 1770 |
Mungo Park reaches the Niger | 1796 |
Vancouver explores his Island | 1792 |
Mackenzie discovers his River and British Columbia | 1789-93 |
Ross discovers Melville Bay | 1818 |
Parry discovers Lancaster Sound | 1819 |
Franklin reaches the Polar Sea by Land | 1819-22 |
Parry's discoveries on North American Coast | 1822 |
Franklin navies the Mackenzie River | 1825 |
Beechey doubles Icy Cape | 1826 |
Parry attempts the North Pole by Spitzbergen | 1827 |
Denham and Clapperton discover Lake Tchad | 822 |
Clapperton reaches the Niger | 1826 |
Rene Caille enters Timbuktu | 1829 |
Richard and John Lander find the Mouth of the Niger | 1830 |
Ross discovers Boothia Felix | 1829 |
James Ross finds the North Magnetic Pole | 1830 |
Bass discovers his Strait | 1797 |
Flinders and Bass sail round Tasmania | 1798 |
Flinders surveys South Coast of Australia | 1801-04 |
Sturt traces the Darling and Murray Rivers | 1828-31 |
Burke and Wills cross Australia | 1861 |
Ross discovers Victoria Land in the Antarctic | 1840 |
Franklin discovers the North-West Passage | 1847 |
Livingstone crosses Africa from West to East | 1849–56 |
Burton and Speke discovered Lake Tanganyika | 1857 |
Speke sees Victoria Nyanza | 1858 |
Livingstone finds Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa | 1858-64 |
Speke and Grant enter Uganda | 1861 |
Baker meets Speke and Grant at Gondokoro | 1861 |
Baker discovers Albert Nyanza | 1864 |
Livingstone finds Lakes Meoro and Bangweolo | 1868 |
Stanley finds Livingstone | 1871 |
Livingstone dies at Ilala | 1873 |
Stanley finds the Mouth of the Congo | 1877 |
Nordenskiold solves the North-East Passage | 1879 |
Younghusband enters Lhasa | 1904 |
Nansen reaches Farthest North | 1895 |
Peary reaches the North Pole | 1909 |
Amundsen reaches the South Pole | 1911 |