Buccaneers and Pirates of our Coasts - F. R. Stockton

This swashbuckling set of pirate tales makes for a grand feast of adventure stories. With chapters such as Masters in Piracy, A Pirate Potentate, and Villainy on a Grand Scale the author recounts the dastardly deeds and desperate feats of dozens of pirates who terrorized the Caribbean Coasts. There is no shortage of action in this book; most horrifying exploits are rendered in reasonably good taste, and many of the tales are surprisingly amusing.

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[Title] from Buccaneers and Pirates by F. R. Stockton
[Title Page] from Buccaneers and Pirates by F. R. Stockton
[Copyright Page] from Buccaneers and Pirates by F. R. Stockton


Tempting boys to be what they should be—giving them in wholesome form what they want—that is the purpose and power of Scouting. To help parents and leaders of youth secure books boys like best that are also best for boys, the Boy Scouts of America organized EVERY BOY'S LIBRARY. The books included, formerly sold at prices ranging from $1.50 to $2.00 but, by special arrangement with the several publishers, are now sold in the EVERY BOY'S LIBRARY edition at $1.00 per volume.

We know so well, are reminded so often of the worth of the good book and great, that too often we fail to boserve or understand the influence for good of a boy's recreational reading. Such books may influence him for good or ill as profoundly ad his play activities, of which they are a vital part. The needful thing is to find stories in which the heroes have the characteristics boys so much admire—unquenchable courage, immense resourcefulness, absolute fidelity, conspicuous greatness. We believe the books of EVERY BOY'S LIBRARY measurably well meet this challenge.

James E. West, Chief Scout Executive.

[Contents, Page 1 of 2] from Buccaneers and Pirates by F. R. Stockton
[Contents, Page 2 of 2] from Buccaneers and Pirates by F. R. Stockton
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