History of the Church: Later Middle Ages - Notre Dame |
Date | Events | |
1073 | Accession of St. Gregory VII. | |
1077 | Henry IV. at Canossa. | |
1096 | First Crusade. | |
1099 | Jerusalem taken. | |
1109 | † St. Anselm—Archbishop of Canterbury. | |
1123 | Ninth General Council—Lateran I. Investitures. Canonical Elections. | |
1139 | Tenth General Council—Lateran II. Disciplinary Canons enacted. | |
1147 | Second Crusade. | |
1153 | † Death of St. Bernard. | |
1170 | † Martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket. | |
1179 | Eleventh General Council—Lateran III. Affairs of Ecclesiastics. Heresies of Cathari, Albigenses, etc., condemned. | |
1189 | Third Crusade. | |
1202 | Fourth Crusade. Latin Empire of Constantinople founded. | |
1213 | Twelfth General Council—Lateran IV. Albigenses condemned. Paschal communion ordered. | |
1213 | England a fief of Holy See. | |
1218 | Fifth crusade. | |
1221 | † St. Dominic. | |
1226 | † St. Francis of Assisi. | |
1228 | Sixth Crusade. | |
1229 | End of Albigensian War. Foundation of Inquisition. | |
1245 | Thirteenth General Council—1st Lyons—Crusade determined on. Reunion of Greeks, etc. | |
1248 | Seventh Crusade. | |
1270 | Eighth Crusade. | |
1274 | Fourteenth General Council—2nd Lyons—same as above. † St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure. | |
1300 | First Jubilee. | |
1309 | Popes at Avignon. | |
1311 | Fifteenth General Council—Vienne—Knights Templars suppressed. Condemnation of Beghards, Beguines, etc. | |
1348 | Black Death. | |
1375 | Turks masters of all Greek Empire, except Constantinople. | |
1376 | Return of Popes to Rome, Wyclif begins to preach heresy. | |
1378 | Schism of the West. | |
1380 | † St. Catherine of Siena. | |
1408 | John Huss and his disciples join Wyclifites. | |
1414 | Sixteenth General Council—Constance—Termination of Western Schism. Wyclifism condemned. | |
1431 | † St. Joan of Arc burnt. | |
1439 | Seventeenth General Council—Florence. Reunion of Greeks. | |
1444 | Battle of Varna fatal to Greek Empire. | |
1453 | Constantinople taken by the Turks. | |
1482 | Final victory of Spaniards over Moors. | |
1492 | America discovered. | |
1498 | † Savonarola. |