Compendium of Church History - Notre Dame |
Heresy | Author | Error |
Arian | Arius, a Priest | Denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ |
Manichean | Manes | Taught there were two gods; one author of good, the other of evil. |
Macedonian | Macedonius, Bishop of Constantinople | Denied the divinity of the Holy Ghost |
Pelagian | Pelagius, British Monk | Denied Original Sin and the necessity of Grace. |
Nestorian | Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople | Taught two persons in Christ and that the Blessed Virgin Mary was not the Mother of God. |
Eutychian | Eutyches, an abbott. | Denied two natures of Jesus Christ. |
Semi-Pelagian | New form of Pelagianism | Taught that grace is necessary to continue but not to begin good actions. |
Monothelite | Sergius, Patriarch of Constantinople. | Taught only the divine will in Jesus Christ. |
Iconoclast | Leo III, Isaurian, Emperor of Constantinople. | Aimed at the destruciton of Holy Images. |
Greek Schism | Photius | Refused allegiance to the Holy See. |
Berengarian | Berengarius, deacon of Angers. | Denied Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. |
Albigensian | Followers of Arnold of Brescia. | Denied incarnation, redemption, etc. |
Waldensian | Peter Waldo. | Taught every sin was mortal; no indulgences; two sacraments. |
Wickliffite | Wycliff in England, Husss in Germany | Taught predestination; private interpretation; revolutionary doctrine. |