Compendium of Church History - Notre Dame

This book presents all of the major points of Church history covered in the five volume 'Leading Events of Church History' series in outline form. It provides an excellent review and summary of all major saints, popes, heresies, events, and councils.

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[Cover] from Compendium of Church History by Notre Dame
[Title] from Compendium of Church History by Notre Dame
[Title Page] from Compendium of Church History by Notre Dame
[Imprimatur] from Compendium of Church History by Notre Dame


This "Compendium" has been prepared to serve as a help in the study of Church History, and is designed as a text-book for the classes of our Catholic Schools. With this purpose in view, the compilers have endeavored to compress within the limits of a single volume the essentials of "Leading Events in Church History," written for children by the Sisters of Notre Dame in England.

The matter selected has been arranged in the form of notes, as a help to both teachers and pupils. To teachers, the headings will suggest topics for development, while the bolder type will assist the pupil's memory through the eye.

Guggenberger's History of the Christian Era and Gilmartin's Church History have been consulted with great profit, and we hereby make grateful acknowledgment to the authors and publishers of these works.



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