Ecclesiastical Year for Catholic Schools - Andreas Petz

This book cover three important topics that explain a great deal of Catholic worship and liturgy at a level of detail appropriate for high school. The first section covers the three cycles of the Liturgical calendar, the second section covers the parts of the Mass, and third sections explains the purpose and ceremonies of the sacraments

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[Book Cover] from Ecclesiastical Year by Andreas Petz
[Publisher Page] from Ecclesiastical Year by Andreas Petz
[Title Page] from Ecclesiastical Year by Andreas Petz
[Imprimatur] from Ecclesiastical Year by Andreas Petz


In presenting a translation of Petz's KATHOLISCHE KIRCHENJAHR to the Catholic public, we deem no apology necessary, since we have in English no similar work suited to the requirements of the class room, as well as to the wants of the home and fireside. We hope the work may find as generous a welcome among our American Catholics as the original did in Europe.

It cannot be called a literal translation since we have omitted some things suited to European usages, but not to the customs of America, and we have added other things where authority sanctioned it.

Wherever the translation differs from the original, standard works have been called into requisition, such as Butler's Feasts and Fasts, Clark's Spirago, O'Briens On the Mass, Dom Gueranger's Advent, The Festal Year, Shulzes Pastoral Theology, Catholic Dictionary, Catholic Ceremonies, Abbe Durant, Lambing The Sacramentals, and other works of reference and authority. The translator lays claim to nothing original in this work.

As Petz does not treat of The Way of the Cross, we have taken the liberty of quoting it entire from Clarke's Spirago.


[Contents, Page 1 of 6] from Ecclesiastical Year by Andreas Petz
[Contents, Page 2 of 6] from Ecclesiastical Year by Andreas Petz
[Contents, Page 3 of 6] from Ecclesiastical Year by Andreas Petz
[Contents, Page 4 of 6] from Ecclesiastical Year by Andreas Petz
[Contents, Page 5 of 6] from Ecclesiastical Year by Andreas Petz
[Contents, Page 6 of 6] from Ecclesiastical Year by Andreas Petz