Front Matter A Name to be Proud of Ready for Sea The King's Gift Why I am an Adventurer The Signal for Departure A Lad's Portion The Allotment of Land An Unexpected Delay Our Arrival at Cowes We Put to Sea The Dove Disappears A Second Tempest An Unseemly Christmas The Port of Barbadoes The Arrival of the Dove Under Sail Again The Land of America The Land Given by the King Fear of the Brown Men Where to Build the City Taking the Island A Voyage of Discovery Visiting the Indians An Unexpected Meeting Captain Fleet's Story An Indian Werowance Indian vs. English Claims Seeking a Place for the City The Bargain The Village of Yaocomico What the Indians Look Like Indian Weapons and Tools Landing the Goods Counting Our Blessings The Susquehanoughs A Land of Abundance Buying Cattle Storehouse and Fort A Visitor from Virginia A Talk with the Indians Running up the Colors Settling Down Master William Claiborne Lord Baltimore's Claims Stirring up the Indians Winning Back the Indians Busy Times Indian Women as Servants Making a Canoe A Boat of Bark Indian Money A Generous Harvest Trouble at Plymouth Strange Religious Service The Dance Begins An Odd Ceremony William Claiborne's War Settlement on Kent Island We Prepare for War The Army leaves St. Mary's In Command of the Guard A Flag of Truce Captain Fleet Repents The First Prize of War A Battle is Fought The Return of the Fleet William Claiborne's Flight The City of Saint Mary's A Cruel Murder Mystery Remains Unsolved Master George Evelin A Fatal Accident Preparing for Action Ready for a Man's Duty I Wear the Uniform My New Name On Board the Pinnance Indians in War Paint The Arrival at Kent Island The Capture of the Fort Butler and Smith Captives Back to Claiborne's Fort I am Assigned New Duties A Narrow Escape Words of Praise

Calvert of Maryland - James Otis

I am Assigned New Duties

My fears were speedily set at rest, once I was come into the great room where he was sitting to hold court, for, speaking in the kindliest fashion, as if I had been fully his equal in rank, he told me it was his desire to make sure the Indian runners did not play him false, as might be the case if they had listened overly long to William Claiborne.

As a guard against this, he called upon me to take one of the shallops, summoning two or more of the men to work the oars, and skirt along the shores of the island to make certain all the people had notice that the governor was come to settle forever the question of loyalty to our Province of Maryland.

[Illustration] from Calvert of Maryland by James Otis

I was to perform the task in whatsoever manner I thought best, so that it was done properly, and to set off without delay, sleeping wherever night overtook me, for it would not be possible to make the voyage completely around the island in less than two, perhaps three, days.

You may well fancy that I was exceeding proud at being selected for what seemed like a most important mission, and I made no further delay in setting out than to find my father, that I might acquaint him with my purpose.

It can also be understood that I chose John as one of the men to bear me company, and he proposed that I take his cousin Jacob as the second oarsman.

My father did not burden me with advice when I was come to take leave of him. He simply cautioned me not to run needlessly into danger, nor to shirk when it could not be avoided.

"Do not refuse to take advice from John," he said, as we walked toward that point on the shore where lay the shallop. "That lad, or man, who neglects to learn from others when he may, is little less than a fool."

With these words ringing in my ears I set off, the two men rowing lustily while I held the steering oar, and it was in my mind that now indeed might I with good reason be called Calvert of Maryland, since I was doing a man's work in the protection of the province.