Front Matter How I Came to Write my Story Who I am My Great Loss My Worldly Wealth Plans for the Future The Gold Fever My Great Disappointment Cured of the Gold Fever My Opportunity How I Might Work My Way Keeping My Bargain At Pueblo A Welcome Time of Rest Outbreak of Gold Fever Opportunity for Money Middleton Agrees With Me Middleton's Proposition Gold Seekers Land Claims Our Ranch Building a Dwelling Corn and Gold Dreams of a Harvest Disappointed Prospectors Returning Evil for Good Striving to Save Our Corn Defending Our Own A Council of War Interview With The Enemy Missouri Miners Make Sport How to Collect The Debt Possession of Cattle Night Before the Battle A War of Words The Prospectors Try to Kill Us A Real Battle A Truce Terms of Peace The Enemy Surrenders The Prospectors Depart The Growth of Our City Farming Or Mining My Share of the Harvest Middleton Goes on a Journey Auraria and Denver Middleton Turns Trader Middleton's Plan A Weighty Problem Middleton's Partner A Change of Homes Arrival At Auraria The Town of Denver We Hire a Shop I Regret Turning Merchant How We Transported Goods Middleton's Advice The Tide of Emigration Finding Goods By the Roadside Gold in Colorado How the Cities Grew A Post Office in Auraria Letters From Home Our Business Flourishes Denver Outstripping Auraria Claim Jumping The Claim Club The Turkey War The Need of Government Union of Denver and Auraria What Others Thought of Us Territory of Colorado Good Citizenship Civil War Breaks Out Need of a Jail Denver in Flames Our Loss By Fire Mrs. Middleton Consoles Us Good Resulting From Evil Middleton's Honesty Rebuilding Denver The Flood Destruction of the Town In Great Peril The City Destroyed Our Lives Are Spared Fears Regarding the Future Uprising of the Indians Begging for Help A Famine Threatens Horrors of an Indian War My Duty at Home Beginning Over Again My Story is Done

Seth of Colorado - James Otis

This book tells the story of Seth, a young man who travels to Colorado with a family intent on homesteading in the area. After farming for a short time, Seth opens a store in the pioneer town of Auraria, across the river from an outpost at Denver. The families survive fires and flood and eventually see Denver grow into a substantial town.

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[Title Page] from Seth of Colorado by James Otis
[Copyright Page] from Seth of Colorado by James Otis


The author of this series of stories for children has endeavored simply to show why and how the descendants of the early colonists fought their way through the wilderness in search of new homes. The several narratives deal with the struggles of those adventurous people who forced their way westward, ever westward, whether in hope of gain or in answer to "the call of the wild," and who, in so doing, wrote their names with their blood across this country of ours from the Ohio to the Columbia.

To excite in the hearts of the young people of this land a desire to know more regarding the building up of this great nation, and at the same time to entertain in such a manner as may stimulate to noble deeds, is the real aim of these stories. In them there is nothing of romance, but only a careful, truthful record of the part played by children in the great battles with those forces, human as well as natural, which, for so long a time, held a vast portion of this broad land against the advance of home seekers.

With the knowledge of what has been done by our own people in our own land, surely there is no reason why one should resort to fiction in order to depict scenes of heroism, daring, and sublime disregard of suffering in nearly every form.


[Contents, Page 1 of 4] from Seth of Colorado by James Otis
[Contents, Page 2 of 4] from Seth of Colorado by James Otis
[Contents, Page 3 of 4] from Seth of Colorado by James Otis
[Contents, Page 4 of 4] from Seth of Colorado by James Otis

Books Consulted In Writing

BANCROFT, H.H.:    History of the Pacific States, Vol. DC.    The History Co.
DELLENBAUGH, F. S.:    The Romance of the Colorado River.   G. P. Putnam's Sons.
DRAKE, SAMUEL ADAMS:    The Making of the Great West.    Charles Scribner's Sons.
HILL, ALICE POLK:    Tales of the Colorado Pioneers.    Pierson & Gardner.
PARSONS, EUGENE:    The Making of Colorado.    A. Flanagan Co.
PAXSON, FREDERICK L.:    The Last American Frontier.    The Macmillan Co.
POWELL, LYMAN P.:    Historic Towns of Western States. p. 425.    G. P. Putnam's Sons.