New World Order - Eustace Mullins |
In 1985, as a sequel to the history of the Federal Reserve System, this writer published "The World Order" as a compendium of additional information on this subject. It never occurred to me to call it "The New World Order" because my researches had traced its depredations back for some five thousand years. Perhaps in response to the exposes in this volume, the spokesman for the Brotherhood of Death went public with their claims for a "New World Order", which essentially was the Brave New World described by Aldous Huxley in his groundbreaking novel. Behind all demands for this new order were the same imperatives, as listed by Professor Stanley Hoffman, in "Primacy or World Order", "What will have to take place is a gradual adaptation of the social, economic, and political system of the United States to the imperatives of world order."
As Professor Hoffmann points out, the United States is the primary target of the missiles of the New World Order because it still retains, however, perverted and distorted, the essential machinery for a republic which provides for the freedom of its citizens. The Order's present goals were originated by Lord Castlereagh at the Congress of Viennain 1815, when he handed over Europe to the victorious Money Power, as exemplified by the presence of the House of Rothschild. This was "the balance of power", which was never a balance of power at all, but rather a worldwide system of control to be manipulated at the pleasure of the conspirators. Henry Kissinger has been busily reviving this program for renewed control, as he wrote in a think piece for Newsweek, January 28, 1991, "We now face a new balance of power'. Today, it translates into the notion of 'a new world order', which would emerge from a set of legal arrangements to be safeguarded by collective security."
When minions of the World Order such as Henry Kissinger call for "collective security", what they are really seeking is a protective order behind which they can safely carry out their depredations against all mankind. This was very reluctantly identified by President George Bush, after months of dodging questions about the "new world order" which he had publicly called for, when he finally stated it really was "a United Nations peacekeeping force". This took us back to the Second World War, which produced the United Nations. Walter Millis, in "Road to War, America 1914-17" further removed this program to the First World War, when he wrote, "The Colonel's (Edward Mandel House) sole justification for preparing such a bath of blood for his countrymen was his hope of establishing a new world order of peace and security as a result."
Note the call for "security"; once again, this is the cry of the international criminals for protection as they carry out their universal work of sabotage and destruction. House had first laid out the program for this "world order" in his book, "Philip Dru—Administrator", in which Dru, (House himself) became the guiding force behind the government and directed it to the goals of world order. The same forces set up a Second World War, from which the United Nations emerged as the new guarantor of "collective security". Random House Dictionary tells us that the United Nations was created in Washington January 2, 1942, when twenty-six nations allied against the Axis, or "fascist" Powers. In "The American Language", H.L. Mencken says that President Roosevelt coined the term, "United Nations" in conference with Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the White House in December of 1941, on the eve of the Pearl Harbor attack which manipulated us into World War II. The United Nations became an active entity at the Dumbarton Oaks conference in 1944, when Great Britain, the United States and Russia set it in motion as a financial dictator.
If the United Nations was created to fight "fascism", its mission ended in 1945, when Fascism was defeated by military force. Fascism derives its name from the bundle of rods which ancient Roman officials carried into court to punish offenders. Thus, fascism historically means law and order, the rule of law, and the intent to punish criminals. This, of course, is what the conspirators of the World Order wish to avoid at all costs. The Oxford English Dictionary defines Fascism as "one of a body of Italian nationalists which was organized in 1919 to oppose Communism in Italy." Other definitions state simply that the Fascists were organized "to fight Bolshevism". Thus the United Nations essentially was set up to battle against "anti-Communists" as exemplified by Germany, Italy and Japan. When this goal was successful in 1945, the United Nations no longer had a historic mission. Nevertheless, it continued to function, and the Rockefellers donated the most expensive parcel of real estate in Manhattan for its world headquarters. It was against this background that the Governor of New York, Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, addressed a meeting at the Sheraton Park Hotel on July 26, 1968, in which he called for the creation of "a new world order".
Rockefeller ignored the fact that it was Adolf Hitler who had preempted this title as "My New Order" for Europe. The phrase was an attractive one to our politicians, as President Bush revealed when he addressed Congress on September 11, 1990, in a speech carried nationally on television, in which he called for "a new world. . . A world quite different from the one we have known. . . a new world order." He continued to reiterate this demand in subsequent addresses on television, declaring on January 29, 1991 in his annual State of the Union address, "It is a big idea—a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind, peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law."
He repeated this toxin on February 1, 1991 in three separate addresses on the same day, in which he emphasized the new world order call. He modestly refrained from pointing out that it was not a new phrase, and that it had been adopted by Congress in 1782 for the Great Seal of the United States, the incomplete pyramid with its occult eye, and the phrase "Novus Ordo Seclorum" beneath it, identifying this nation as committed to "a new world order" or a new order for the ages which apparently depended upon pyramidpower for its fulfillment. This symbol dated from 1776, when Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati sect, formulated aprogram remarkably similar to that of the world order conspirators today. Weishaupt called for:
It was hardly accidental that the Rothschilds, when they hired Karl Marx and the League of Just Men to formulate a program, received the Communist Manifesto of 1848, which contained the above formula. Weishaupt's activists had taken over the Freemason movement in 1782, which then became one of the vehicles for the enactment of this program. Its true origin in ancient Oriental despotism was revealed on the editorial page of the Washington Post January 5, 1992, when philosopher Nathan Gardels warned that the ideal area for the new world order would be China, not the United States. Gardels points out that Marxism was a product of Western philosophy, i.e. Hegel, but that a world order would produce Oriental despotism. He supported his thesis with quotes from the Japanese Prime Minister, who complained that "abstract notions of human rights" should not interfere witn foreign policy, and from Chinese leaders who denounced demands for independent liberty as "garbage".
President Bush modestly pointed out one of his aides, Gen. Brent Scowcroft, as the author of the magical phrase, "new world order". People magazine, November 25, 1991 said, "Scowcroft's influence first became evident last year, several weeks after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Again while fishing, he and Bush came up with the idea of "a new world order", an ambitious phrase meant to suggest a new United States foreign policy in the post-cold war era."
Who is Scowcroft? In Washington, he has been known for years as one of Henry Kissinger's unbiquitous lackeys, coming to prominence when he served Kissinger on the National Security Council. He then joined the firm of Kissinger Associates, of which he became president. Kissinger praises him in People's magazine, saying "He's very unobtrusive, but he's tenacious as hell in fighting for his point of view. He's not a yes-man."
This was an amazing claim from Kissinger, who had never once heard a "No" from Scowcroft during all the years that he served him. People magazine also mentioned Scowcroft's lack of attention to the business at hand. "Often teased for dozing during long, uneventful meetings, Scowcroft brushes off such twitting." The media was horrified to learn that President Reagan occasionally dozed during long, boring official presentations, but finds it excusable that Scowcroft, who as the present head of their National Security Council, might be expected to keep his wits about him, is guilty of the same offense. The excessively friendly media attitude towards Scowcroft is also reflected in Parade magazine which enthused in the issue of December 15, 1991, "Brent Scowcroft, 66, is a highly regarded military strategist who has never been tarred by the brush of scandal." Yes men rarely venture into scandalous situations.