Scotland: Peeps at History - G. E. Mitton

This short history of Scotland covers all the most important events from the Christianization of Scotland by St. Columba to the Jacobite Wars of the Early 18th century. It covers the well known stories of William Wallace and Robert Bruce, but also provides interesting sketches of other early Scottish Kings, the six James, the Story of Mary Stuart, the English Civil War in Scotland, the Jacobite Wars, and the role of the Highlander clans in Scottish history.

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[Book Cover] from Peeps at History - Scotland  by G. E. Mitton
[Frontispiece] from Peeps at History - Scotland  by G. E. Mitton


[Title Page] from Peeps at History - Scotland  by G. E. Mitton
[Copyright] from Peeps at History - Scotland  by G. E. Mitton
[Contents] from Peeps at History - Scotland  by G. E. Mitton
[Illustrations] from Peeps at History - Scotland  by G. E. Mitton