History of the Catholic Church - J. MacCaffrey

This concise history of the Catholic Church follows the important developments from the foundation and growth of the Church during the Roman Empire, to its condition in nineteenth century Europe. All important heresies, movements, orders, and political developments are briefly given. Some background in the history of Western Civilization is an important prerequisite because of the cursory approach with which most topics are covered.

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[Book Cover] from History of the Catholic Church by J. MacCaffrey
[Part I: Title Page] from History of the Catholic Church by J. MacCaffrey
[Part I: Imprimatuer] from History of the Catholic Church by J. MacCaffrey


At the present time when so many erroneous views concerning the Catholic Church are current it is of the utmost importance that every educated Catholic should be acquainted with the leading facts of Church History.

It is very necessary, therefore, that in all Catholic Schools and Colleges Church History should be assigned its proper place in the programme of Religious Instruction; and it was mainly the hope of securing such a place for it that induced the writer to undertake this work. His aim was to give the principal facts of Church History in a clear, concise and readable form, to indicate briefly the connection between the great movements, and to give due prominence to the history of the countries in which his readers are likely to be interested, namely, Ireland, England and Scotland, the United States and Australia.

Though the work was intended primarily as a text-book for use in Schools and Colleges yet the writer is not without hope that it may prove useful to all Catholics, whether laymen or ecclesiastics, who are interested in the activity and progress of the great religious organisation to which they have the privilege to belong.


Feast of St. Malachi

[Contents Part I: Page 1] from History of the Catholic Church by J. MacCaffrey
[Contents Part I: Page 2] from History of the Catholic Church by J. MacCaffrey
[Part II: Title Page] from History of the Catholic Church by J. MacCaffrey
[Part II: Imprimatuer] from History of the Catholic Church by J. MacCaffrey
[Contents Part II: Page 1] from History of the Catholic Church by J. MacCaffrey
[Contents Part II: Page 2] from History of the Catholic Church by J. MacCaffrey