Rockefeller Internationalist - Emanuel Josephson

General Education Board —
Totalitarian Thought Control for Peasants

"We work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk."— Rockefeller-Gates Occasional Letter No. 1

Rockefeller's "educational philanthropies" were an outgrowth of Baptist missionary zeal. To educate Negro co-religionists, the Baptists had organized the Southern Education Board. In a spirit of religious rivalry, they had also undertaken to build the University of Chicago. Reverend Strong, Rockefeller's in-law, made this religious educational rivalry quite clear in a memorandum to John D. Sr. cited by Nevins:

"'Now where are we Baptists?' Strong wrote. 'We have no university at all . . . we have to send our sons to other universities . . . Against Harvard's 1500, or Yale's 1200 students, our largest number is 300 at Brown. The only approach to professional instruction is our theological seminaries, and the largest of these numbers no more than 50 well-prepared students . . . while Union (Theological Seminary) and Princeton have their 150 each'."

At about the same time, Reverend Strong had admonished his in-law that he would be wise to act to allay public resentment against his brigandage by courting public opinion with philanthropies, if he desired to overcome the handicaps to his enterprises arising from the ill-repute his ruthlessness had created. He missed no opportunity to urge him to give his support to the creation of a college for Baptist missionary propaganda that would engage in a crusade to get folks to think as Baptists wished them to think. Rockefeller's endowment of the University of Chicago crowned his efforts with a measure of success. But it is doubtful that the divine would be very happy to witness the present status of the university he inspired. It is a hotbed of anti-religious Communist propaganda that has even overwhelmed his church.

Rockefeller was too pragmatic to be content, however, with mere missionary zeal for the profit of the church. Personal profits and benefits have a stronger appeal to a person of his acquisitive disposition. His experience with the influencing of public opinion, that he had been compelled to resort to on more than one occasion in connection with his Standard Oil activities, could not have failed to impress him with the value of molding public opinion. No doubt, the waste of effort involved in the repetition of isolated campaigns irked a man of his methodical, systematic thrift. It is inconceivable that he could fail to see the economy and the high ultimate return of permanently molding public opinion as he wished it molded, through domination of education that would make it possible to convert that process to thought control that would be entirely imperceptible to both its agents and its subjects. It would be permanent, would never have to be repeated wastefully, and would insure him of domination of the indoctrinated by their own subconscious reactions, for the rest of their lives.

After a dinner at his home on West Fifty-fourth Street, New York City, attended by John D. Rockefeller Jr., banker Morris K. Jesup, Wanamaker partner Robert C. Ogden, Baptist pastor J.L.M. Curry, banker George Foster Peabody, Walter Hines Page, the inventor of Roosevelt's "The Forgotten Man", William H. Baldwin, Albert Shaw, Dr. Wallace Buttrick, Johns Hopkins U. President, Daniel Coit Gilman and attorney Edward M. Shepard, John D. Sr. launched the General Education Board, with an offer of a million dollars over a period of ten years for the "noble" purpose of influencing all education as desired, "without regard to sex, race or creed". The assembled worthies leaped to the bait. Rockefeller acquired an educational front imbued with the odor of religion, that would be regarded as above suspicion. And it was all his own, to be used entirely for his purposes. For contrary to his "philanthropic principles" and his past practises, Rockefeller did not require, seek or permit the participation of others in this enterprise.

Rockefeller placed his "wonderful businessman", Reverend Frederick Taylor Gates, in charge of this new enterprise. Boldly they announced its true purpose at the very start, in Occasional Letter No. 1 of the General Education Board already quoted.

The letter is a frank and open statement of the basic totalitarian conspiracy that underlies all of the Rockefeller "philanthropies". Their avowed scheme is to gain the confidence of the people by a show of sham "benevolence" and then, when they "yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands," to "work our own good will upon" them through a Rockefeller dictatorship. In this conspiracy they are largely succeeding. And their "good will" has proved to be the "will for conquest" that has cost tens of thousands of "peasants" lives. The letter is about as open an expression of contempt of the intelligence of the citizenry (the "peasants", they call them) as can be made. Their cunning grasp and contempt of human nature did not fail them. There were a few protests from alert citizens and on the floor of Congress. But in the main, they were lauded for their action, by the usual complement of fools and traitors.

The ambitious character of the scheme is revealed by what Nevins terms the "extraordinary charter" that Shepard drew up, and that Rockefeller's henchman and in-law Senator Nelson Aldrich, promptly rushed through Congress. It is a perpetual charter that gives authority to hold limitless capital and to engage anywhere in the U.S., in any activities whatsoever that can be construed as remotely resembling education. Since the funds contributed to its endowment and the income thereon are tax-exempt, the moneys involved are actually public funds. But control of them is effectively held by the Rockefellers. It was a far more ideal propaganda machine than those provided at a later date by Rockefeller, through Ivy Lee, his publicity man, for either Stalin or Hitler. Nevins, a Rockefeller spokesman, states:

"Thus was founded an organization which shortly became THE MOST POWERFUL EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION IN THE WORLD "

The Rockefeller interests proceeded cautiously, as usual, put their their best foot forward and bided their time. Their initial activities were "window-dressing"—agricultural education, a fight on the boll weevil that was destroying the cotton crop in the South, and medical education activities—which allayed and disarmed public suspicion. The character and profits of the forays into the field of medical education have been described in connection with the Rockefeller Institute. The only error that the "planners" made in their estimate of the mentality and pervertibility of the American "peasant" was in the imposition of Prohibition, for which the Rockefellers acknowledge their responsibility in their publicity by Morris in the Saturday Evening Post of January 6, 1951. After a decade and a half, they bowed to public opinion and agreed to a revocation of the Volstead Act. But their only error sensed by the "peasants" proved highly profitable to them; and even in defeat, it served to gain them new victories through their New Deal program.

The Annual Report Of The General Education Board, 1928-1929, in a historic review of its activities makes clear the calculated deliberate approach adopted. It divides the development of the activities into three periods:

  • First period, 1902-1919, during which the Board appropriated more than $15,000,000, mostly for increases of the endowments of 120 colleges.
  • Second period, 1919-1924, during which it contributed over $50,000,000 for increasing teachers' salaries.
  • Third period, from 1924, during which it has undertaken to influence the character of scholarship and teaching.

The extent of dissembling and oversimplification of this description of its activities is evident from contemporaneous comments.

At the start, Rockefeller entered into an entente with Andrew Carnegie to merge their "philanthropies". This gave Rockefeller effective control of the Carnegie Foundation For The Advancement Of Teaching, the most potent influence of which on teaching and teachers at university and college levels was exercised by its Retiring Allowances (for professors) and (Teacher) Widows' Pensions. This "security" scheme was highly effective in insuring that the staffs taught what was to the liking of the Camegie-Rockefeller interests, and that any exercise of "academic freedom" would conform with their wishes.

On January 26, 1917, Senator Kenyon of Iowa reported that Rockefeller agents were examining the curricula of colleges that sought the aid of the Board; and that the Board refused aid unless the applicant colleges made their courses comply with the Board's dictates.

The General Education Board also dictated appointments to the faculties of the colleges, packing them with their agents and henchmen, in preparation for future plans. Dr. W. J. Spillman, former chief of the Federal Farm Management Bureau of the Department of Agriculture, stated in a letter to the New York Globe of March 28, 1919:

"Nine years ago I was approached by an agent of Mr. Rockefeller with the statement that his object in establishing the General Education Board was to gain control of the educational institutions of the country so that all men employed in them might be 'right'. I was then informed that the Board has been successful with the smaller institutions but that the large institutions had refused to accept the Rockefeller money with strings tied to it. My information said that Mr. Rockefeller was going to add $100,000,000 to the Foundation for the express purpose of forcing his money into the big institutions."

This was exactly what might be expected from the statement of objectives in Occasional Letter No. 1, quoted above. The avowed objective of subverting the nation through its educational system and establishing a "new social order", required that the teaching staffs of its schools should enter into the conspiracy, wittingly or unwittingly. It made the chief requisite for obtaining or holding a teaching position, in any part of the educational system that was brought under their control, intellectual prostitution and adherence to subversive totalitarian doctrines that matched the objective of the Board.

At an early date, the Board began tampering with the public school system and the teachers colleges, experimenting to determine how best to succeed in indoctrinating future generations. It gave by 1929, $500,000 to the School of Education at Harvard, $1,000,000 to Teachers College of Columbia University, and $3,177,231.43 to George Peabody College for Teachers, in addition to many other smaller grants. To Lincoln School, of Teachers College, Columbia University, for John Dewey's Marxist experiment in youthful libertinism that goes by the name of Progressive Education, was given $5,923,747.62; and it was there that Laurance, Nelson, Winthrop and David Rockefeller were sent for training.

As in the case of all the Rockefeller "philanthropies," the GEB and its grantees were made to serve the interests of the Rockefeller Empire. When its plans of subversion were intensified after the Rockefeller Empire had entered into its entente with Communist Russia, the educational system of the country, which by then had come largely, if not completely, under its control, was converted to a huge "school for subversion". For this reason the proportion of exposed and convicted traitors is higher among the educated than among the uneducated; and it increases with the extent of education.

After the 1926 Rockefeller-Soviet deal, the number of Communists and fellow travelers among the professors and teachers rose by leaps and bounds. Before a decade had elapsed, adherence to Marxism or membership in the Communist Party became a prerequisite for teaching appointments or for promotion in a large percentage of the schools, colleges and universities of the country, not merely in the "social sciences", but in all fields. Rockefeller, and dominated foundation, subsidy and endowment had a direct bearing on the degree of Communist infiltration; the greater the grant, the higher was the proportion of Communist faculty members. Special chairs and positions were created by the Rockefeller Foundation for notorious Red propagandists, as in the case of Hans Eisler at the New School for Social Research, of Dr. Henry Siegerist and Owen Lattimore, (Amerasia editor) at Johns Hopkins University, Harlow Shapley and Harold Laski at Harvard, William W. Lockwood, (Amerasia editor) at Princeton, and Rexford Tugwell and Harold Clayton Urey at Columbia and the University of Chicago, respectively.

Control of "social sciences" and their teachings automatically implies control of labor union activities. For though teachers of economics and labor relations, and of law, serve as fronts and mouthpieces for the labor unions that employ them, they also provide the pseudo-scientific doctrines and grounds for their demands. The "social science" program has served the Rockefeller Empire well in the regimentation of workers.

The plight of the patriotic professor—who rejects subversive doctrines and refuses to teach them, or to turn traitor and subvert his students—is not an enviable one in the Rockefeller-dominated educational system. This is well portrayed by Professor Harry Elmer Barnes, who had been sympathetic to their "liberalism," in his privately printed pamphlet, The Struggle Against The Historical Blackout, as follows:

"A state of abject terror and intimidation exists among the majority of professional American historians whose views accord with the facts on the question of responsibility for the second World War."

Professor Charles Austin Beard, long heralded as a "liberal" historian, points to the responsibility of the Rockefellers for this condition by reference to the report of the Rockefeller Foundation of 1946, as follows:

"The Rockefeller Foundation . . . intend to prevent, if they can, a repetition of what they call in the vernacular 'the debunking' journalistic campaign following World War I."

The lot of professors and teachers who shifted from a defense of American institutions and the Constitution to advocacy of Marxism, Communism and other forms of totalitarianism in time to serve the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis has been far happier. They are heralded as paragons of wisdom and learning and as leaders who are to be followed. Their prior Americanism is forgiven in proportion to the number of Communist and Communist front organizations they join; and they take their places at the sides of those who have adhered to the Communist Party "line" from the start. Their totalitarianism wins them rapid advancement and lucrative Government posts as "Brain Trusters", "advisers", bureaucrats, diplomats and any other posts where they can serve as pawns of the Rockefeller Empire. The "social scientists" among them are given employment as economists and statisticians at high salaries in labor unions, to serve as "front" men and "mouthpieces" for racketeering and subversive labor leaders. But they must be willing to let the labor leaders dictate or censor their writings and teachings. Unscrupulously, these same union-employed "economists" also serve as "neutral" arbitrators of labor disputes, often in cases involving the very unions that employ them. In any event, their decisions must outrageously favor the unions without fail and without regard to honesty, or else they lose their union position and are placed on a blacklist, never to be so employed again. If they play ball with the subversive and totalitarian elements, and serve the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis faithfully, their futures are assured and they are always provided for on a liberal, if not lavish, scale.

Zechariah Chafee Jr., professor of law at Harvard, made the error of writing, as a young instructor, an excellent, scholarly and American book entitled Freedom of Speech, published in 1920. But by 1927 he had mounted the Rockefeller Red bandwagon in the Communist-inspired Sacco Vanzetti affair, with Professor Felix Frankfurter. And he has remained on the pro-Communist side of the fence. He advanced rapidly to professorship and now represents the U.S. at the UN, after having served as vice-chairman of the "Commission on Freedom of the Press", of which more will be related. He is engaged in writing the section of the UN Constitution on the press that proposes to abridge for the press the Bill of Rights that he had defended so wisely and eloquently in his youth. For his distinguished services to the Rockefeller Empire, he has been accorded membership in the Council on Foreign Relations, the Foreign Office of that Empire, and the Rockefeller-dominated invisible world government. Professor Chafee prospered. From the viewpoint of the Rockefeller interests and the GEB, his about-face had made him "right" for the furtherance of their totalitarian and pro-Soviet plans.

As the university faculties about the country were packed with totalitarian professors of all varieties, it became increasingly difficult for students who refused to accept Marxism, that came to be regarded as synonymous with "liberalism", either to secure admission to colleges and universities, or to get degrees.

Columbia University, including its Teachers College, was particularly, directly and heavily subsidized and dominated by the Rockefeller interests because of the education of the Rockefeller youngsters at the "experimental" Lincoln School, its subsidiary. The relations between the Rockefellers and Columbia University have been very close. Rockefeller Center is built upon land in part given to Columbia by the Rockefellers and then leased back by them from the University for the purpose of avoiding the payment of taxes. Through the General Education Board, they have dictated Columbia's faculty, policies and curricula. Under their direction and that of their agents, the faculties of philosophy and "social sciences" and of Teachers College have become completely Marxist. It is questionable whether there is a single member of the faculty who does not subscribe to some form of totalitarianism that is compatible with the Rockefeller objectives stated in the Occasional Letter No. 1 cited above, that states the policy and objective of all the Rockefeller "philanthropies".

The majority of the members of the faculty are Marxists, and a large number of them are frankly Communists. The following are some of the members of the Columbia faculties who have been cited by various committees investigating un-American activities for membership in Communist and Communist front organizations (Red-Ucator, National Council for American Education, 1 Maiden Lane, New York City):

  • Philosophy and "Social Sciences" — James W. Angell, Paul F. Brissenden, Abraham Edel, E. Franklin Frazier, Philip Klein, Corliss Lamont, Samuel M. Lindsay, Robert M. Maclver, Ernest Nagel, J. Russell Smith, Bernard J. Stern, Gene Weltfish, Elizabeth F. Baker, Eveline M. Bums, Irwin Edman, Horace L. Friess, Michael Kraus, Eduard C. Lindeman, Robert S. Lynd, Robert K. Merton, W. Rautenstrauch, Boris Stanfield, Ordway Tead
  • Education — Edmund deS. Brunner, John L. Childs, John Dewey, George W. Hartmann, W. H. Kilpatrick, Harold Rugg, Lyman Bryson, George S. Counts, Willystine Goodsell, Nicholas Hobbs, Ernest G. Osborne
  • Law — Walter Gellhorn, Karl N. Llewellyn, Philip C. Jessup, Jerome Michael
  • Religion — Reinhold Niebuhr, Henry P. Van Dusen
  • Other — Dr. George Baehr, Charles H. Jr. Behre, Lester G. Barth, Dorothy Brewster, T. Dobzhansky, Franz Boas, M. Demerec, Leslie C. Dunn, Roscoe B. Ellard, Haven Emerson, Harry Grundfest, Otto Kleinberg, Ellis Kolchin, David S. Muzzey, Douglas Moore, Allan Nevins, Geroid T. Robinson, Theodor Rosebury, Cesar Saerchinger, S. Stanfield Sargent, Jan Schilt, James T. Shotwell, Ernest J. Simmons, Mark Van Doren, T. W. Van Metre, George Vernadsky
  • Officers — Dean, H. J. Carman, Dir. L. M. Hacker

This list contains only a small fraction of the Columbia staff who are totalitarian in their views, influence or teachings. But it contains much that illustrates the nature of the deliberate influence that Rockefeller's GEB has exerted on the educational system of the nation and the world. This influence has been accentuated considerably since the Rockefeller interests arrived at an entente with Stalin, and has shifted entirely in the direction of that form of Marxism that suits the purposes of the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis, most aptly designated as Rockefellerism.

It has been the consistent practise of the G.E.B. to dictate faculty appointments as one of the conditions for making requested grants. Deliberate selection of militant Marxists for college posts is clearly indicated by the appointment of Paul F. Brissenden to an assistant professorship at Columbia. Brissenden had earned a reputation as a militant left-wing labor agitator long before his Columbia appointment, in connection with his activities as special agent of the U.S. Commission of Industrial Relations and of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and with the I.W.W. The theme of his Columbia U. Ph.D. thesis was The I.W.W., A Study of American Syndicalism, which quite clearly evinces his left-wing, Marxist attitude. His appointment to the post of assistant professor of economics at Rockefeller-dominated Columbia University School of Business, therefore, was made because of his radicalism. His I.W.W. thesis so delighted the Kremlin that it was translated and published in Russia. His pro-Communist attitude was a family affair; for both his mother and sister volunteered to help make a success of the Bolshevik revolution and migrated to Moscow where they were employed by the Kremlin.

Brissenden himself made no secret of his support of Communism. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the notoriously Red American Civil Liberties Union, and of the equally Red International Juridical Association and the International Rescue and Relief Committee. He was one of the signers of a letter to the Daily Worker of March 5, 1941, defending the Communist Party anent the Hitler-Stalin Pact. His "liberalism" has been rewarded by many appointive government jobs in the field of labor; chairmanships of commissions and boards in many industries, including cloaks and suits, cap and cloth, millinery and others; statistician and economist on the payroll of a wide array of unions; "impartial" chairman under many labor agreements; member of the Industrial Tribunal of the American Arbitration Association; and numerous other lucrative, policymaking appointments. These rewards that arose out of the Rockefeller-GEB-dictated professorial appointment are the customary rewards of radical teachers who subscribe to the doctrines of Rockefellerism. As a member of the Columbia faculty, Professor Brissenden is in a position to reject any applicants for the higher degrees, that are a prerequisite for teaching positions, if they do not accept the doctrines to which he subscribes.

The case of Walter Gellhorn, professor of law, clearly demonstrates the extent to which the Rockefellers go in their support of pro-Communist activities. A product of Rockefeller's GEB-fostered Columbia totalitarianism of the post-Rockefeller-Soviet Axis era, he was given, in 1931, the post of secretary to Supreme Court Justice Harlan F. Stone, one of his indoctrinators. In 1932, on admission to the bar, he promptly became attorney in the office of the Solicitor General of the Department of Justice. In the following year he was appointed to the law faculty of Columbia and, in 1937, to the Department of Political Science. His long series of government appointments included Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Interior, in 1943, and Chairman of the National War Labor Board, 2nd Region, in 1945. During this period of rapid advancement he became increasingly identified with pro-Communist causes as a director of the American Civil Liberties Union, the International Juridical Association, the National Lawyers' Guild, and the semi-official Soviet Open Road. He was in the forefront of attacks on legislation and investigations directed against Communism. There was a personal aspect to this fight because Gellhorn was himself under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

To aid in this fight against the exposure of un-American activities and such treason as that of Alger Hiss, the Rockefeller Foundation in 1948, announced a grant of $110,000 for a "Study of the relation of civil rights to the control of subversive activities in the United States." The grant was made to Cornell University, where Edmund E. Day, former Director of Social Sciences of the Rockefeller Foundation, had been planted as president of the University. Though Professor Robert E. Cushman, of Cornell, a Marxist New Dealer, was designated to head the "study", he turned over the job to Gellhorn. The money was used largely in a campaign to bring about abolition of the Un-American Activities Committee. The Cushman-Gellhorn-Rockefeller activities tied in with those of the Anti-Defamation League. Gellhorn was fittingly assigned the problem of security and loyalty requirements as applied to government scientists. His equivocal views were published in a Rockefeller subsidized book, Security, Loyalty & Science.

The high rewards and distinguished honors that were heaped upon Philip C. Jessup, Reverend Reinhold Niebuhr and Reverend Henry Van Dusen for their services to the Rockefeller Empire and its Axis are discussed elsewhere.

Donald G. Tewksbury, professor of education at Columbia U., illustrates the security and promotion offered by the Rockefeller interests to their Red proteges who serve their Axis well. He is a product of their Red Chinese Yenching University, who had been subsidized by them through the Harvard-Yenching Foundation.

With the entire academic world from which to choose teachers to influence the minds of its students, Columbia University shares at least four of its instructors with the official school of the Communist Party, the Jefferson School of Social Sciences. They are:

  • Dorothy Brewster, Associate Professor of English
  • Abraham Edel, Lecturer on Philosophy
  • Corliss Lamont, Lecturer on Philosophy
  • Walter Rautenstrauch, Professor of Industrial Engineering

Numerous members of the faculty at Columbia U. are members and officers of the American Civil Liberties Union, the chief legal aid of Communist conspirators. Among them are:

  • Dr. Harry E. Barnes
  • Prof. Paul F. Brissenden
  • Prof. George S. Counts
  • Prof. Walter Gellhom
  • Corliss Lamont
  • Prof. E. C. Lindeman

There they rub elbows with Rockefeller's ministers,

  • Reverend Harry Emerson Fosdick,
  • Morris Ernst,
  • Melvyn Douglas,
  • Arthur Garfield Hays,
  • Max Lerner,
  • Carey McWilliams,
  • Dorothy Kenyon,
  • Elmer Rice,
  • Raymond Swing and
  • Oswald Garrison Villard.

Professors of law have been particularly handy agents of the Rockefeller-Soviet conspirators. Subversives planted on the faculties of universities which they control become endowed with the halo of unworldliness and public trust that attaches to the traditional, but absent-minded professor who is devoted to learning and pure science and is unapproachable. The Communist and other brands of totalitarians, and the Rockefeller interests, have exploited the public trust in the college professor to the full limit; and it has served them well. They have planted their utterly ruthless, traitorous agents in professorships that are often especially created for them, and build up their reputations for "erudition" and "wisdom" while they are engaged in the very process of eroding the law and Constitution of the land at the behest of their bosses. Then they plant them in the courts and rapidly advance them until, not infrequently, they are placed on the Supreme Court bench itself, where they dictate a revolution by law.

The cases of Supreme Court Justices Holmes, Cardozo, Brandeis, Stone and many others come to mind in this connection. The conspirators, who are expert at propaganda and agitation, create for their agents in high posts, fictitious reputations for impartiality and learning. These judiciary agents have created for the conspirators a complete immunity for their treasonous activity by tortured perversion of the law. Thus a person participating no matter how indirectly in a crime is an accomplice. But an associate or fellow traveller who participates in a Communist act of treason is regarded as blameless; and any charges made against him bring out the cry of "guilt by association". This is exactly for what the law holds other criminals accountable. For the status of the accomplice is guilt by association.

Subversive legal rulings have made it a crime to call a man a Communist unless he acknowledges himself under oath to be a Communist, or his Communist Party card can be produced and it can be proved beyond any doubt that it is his. So infiltrated are our courts and juries with subversives that it seldom has proved possible to have a man legally adjudged a Communist, even on the testimony of several witnesses and even though it can be demonstrated that he had followed every bend of the Communist Party line. The defense offered in these cases is that to call a man a Communist means to charge him with a crime and injure him. And there is always plenty of subversive legal talent at hand, endowed with plenty of foundation and other "civil rights" money, to crucify anyone who dares label a Communist.

But in defending their Communist clients against indictments charging them with subversion and attempts to overthrow the government, the self-same judges and legal talent plead that the Communist Party is legal, and to be a Communist is not a crime. If to be a Communist is not a crime, why have their solicitous agents on the bench ruled that it is a crime to call a man a Communist? Is it because the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis dictates it shall be so?

There appears to be no limit to the brazen distortion of the law and absurd pettifogging of these "jurists" on behalf of the Communist conspirators. In the first week of October 1951, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down two decisions designed to protect Communists in their treasonous efforts to destroy our Government, creating the impression of a desire to cooperate with them. The first decision, delivered by Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson, ruled that $50,000 bail was "unusually high" in the cases of twelve Communists who were merely charged with advocating overthrow of the Government by violence, under the Smith Act, and whose colleagues have skipped bail in flocks when convicted. The court ruled that the Government must produce evidence of a "really serious offense" to justify this "high bail", that was so "high" that four of their fellow conspirators skipped and forfeited the sums.

A second decision that was handed down on the same day ruled that anyone who patriotically reports a suspected Communist to the FBI may be sued for damages by the accused. This decision is designed to ably assist the Communists in their conspiracy by cutting off reports and clues regarding them from Government agencies. The Court appears to be more concerned with protecting the conspirators than in national security. In this it is serving the interests of the Axis. The decision was undoubtedly motivated by the desperate effort of the conspirators to protect the swarms of Communist and Axis agents planted in the government departments.

Not included in the above list is Philip Edward Mosely, totalitarian Professor of International Relations and head of the Russian Institute at Columbia U., and Assistant Director of the Rockefeller Foundation. After securing his Ph.D. at Harvard under the tutelage of Felix Frankfurter, in 1931, and subsequently instructing at Princeton, he was permitted, or rather invited, by the Bolsheviks to come to Moscow and stay for two years (a privilege never known to be accorded to any but avowed and trusted Communists) to engage in "historical researches." He was then assigned as fellow, by the Rockefeller-subsidized and dominated, Red Social Science Research Council, for "research in the Balkans." From 1942 to 1946, he joined Nelson Rockefeller, Dean Acheson, Alger Hiss and the rest of the pro-Soviet clique in the State Department, as chief of the division on political and territorial studies and was adviser to the U.S. delegation to the disastrous Moscow Conference, in 1943, to the European Advisory Commission in London in 1944, and to the tragic Potsdam Conference in 1945. He was also U.S. representative in 1946 on the Commission for the Investigation of the Yugoslav-Italian Border. In 1936 he was the sympathetic Soviet-authorized translator of V. M. Chernov's official history, The Great Russian Revolution. He has very concisely stated his and the Rockefeller Empire's totalitarian credo, as has been related, in a Headline Series pamphlet issued by Rockefeller's Foreign Policy Association, repeated here for emphasis:

"Over the long run, great numbers of people will judge both the Soviet and American Systems, not by how much individual freedom they preserve, but by how much they contribute, in freedom or without it, to develop a better livelihood and a greater feeling of social fulfillment."

This statement is a variation of the Communist propaganda theme: "What is freedom without bread?" This is the Rockefeller-Soviet sales talk for their brand of totalitarianism and slavery that contrasts so sharply with Patrick Henry's Americanism of: "Give me liberty or give me death". But American history and patriotism are both taboo in schools dominated by Rockefeller's GEB. Only Mosely's views are taught.

The situation is, if possible, even worse in Rockefeller's pet University of Chicago, the Red gehenna of all the Rockefeller-subsidized professors. A list of its faculty indicates that advancement on it appears to be almost entirely predicated on how Red the professor is and how many Communist fronts he joins. A partial list of professors and the Communist and Communist front organizations they have joined reveals the following:

  • Edith Abbott, 15
  • G. A. Borgese, 6
  • Anton J. Carlson, 18
  • Robert J. Havighurst 7
  • Robert M. Hutchins, 2
  • R. M. Lovett, 14
  • Malcolm P. Sharp, 9
  • John B. Thompson, 10
  • Harold C. Urey, 15
  • James Luther Adams, 10
  • Ernest W. Burgess, 8
  • Sen. Paul H. Douglas H. 22
  • A. Eustace Haydon, 6
  • Oscar Lange, 9
  • Wayne McMillen, 26
  • Maud Slye, 8
  • Rexford Tugwell, 7
  • H. N. Wieman, 20

The extent that subversion effected by "educational philanthropies" has attained at Yale University is portrayed by William F. Buckley Jr. in his book God And Man At Yale. Buckley, a recent graduate of Yale, lists the subversive teachers. They infest the School of Divinity as completely as the other faculties, and their religion is Marxist Rockefellerism. He also lists in the appendix, subversive textbooks that are widely used, and the schools that use them.

The fostering of totalitarian and Rockefeller Reds in all the schools, colleges and universities over which it could gain control, is the chief function of Rockefeller's General Education Eoard in the pursuit of its boss's objectives. When found, dependable agents are often planted in key positions in the Government in Washington. If by any chance they are exposed or apprehended in illegal or treasonous activities, they are usually protected and shifted to other positions.

In the Wilson Administration, the Government was loaded to the gunwales with them. Those that could not be made to fit into the Republican administrations that followed, by the "bipartisan" device, were put back in storage in the universities dominated by the Rockefeller interests, as a part of a well organized and disciplined machine for totalitarian subversion and erosion of the Constitution and the law of the land. They were well provided for and shifted about in the government and universities for diversity of experience, to prepare them for their roles in the gigantic conspiracy.

In the universities, they were protected in their subversive activities when exposed, by all the wealth and power of the Rockefeller Empire acting through such organizations as the ultra-Red American Civil Liberties Union, and other subsidized agencies. When, unavoidably, for a particularly heinous offense, one of them had to be ousted from his position, he was likewise merely shifted to another position either in the government, in a foundation or in one of the schools. Oaths of loyalty to the U.S. are fought bitterly by the GEB-subsi- dized agents of the Rockefeller Empire, with all the power at their command. The State of California, for instance, was compelled by them to revoke its rational requirement that all members of the faculty must sign loyalty oaths. The only loyalty that is required of them is loyalty to the Empire. Professor Edward C. Tolman, who was dismissed from the University of California as subversive, was given, after his dismissal, an honorary degree by Yale in 1951, as an example to encourage others.

It is an adequate commentary on the General Education Board and its domination of the educational system that the "traitor scientists" have become a serious problem and a menace to the security of the land, a situation that was dilated upon in the New York Times of May 15, 1951.

When a change in the political climate had been effected and Franklin Delano Roosevelt had been put into the Presidency to head a "Popular Front" government in Washington, all of the subversive agents were taken out of their storage in the academic halls of the "educational" institutions, where they had bent their energies to producing new generations of vipers and traitors. They were put back into the government to carry out the subversive tasks for which they had been trained so well, not infrequently in Moscow, through the creation of what was sardonically labeled by the conspirators as the New Deal. Many of the agents occupied the same posts in the Wilson "War to Save Democracy" regime as they did two decades later in the New Deal and World War II, that was its crowning glory.

In the past several decades, it has also become an established practise of the Rockefeller interests to place their political hacks, warhorses and pawns in the position of university president. This serves to keep them in the public eye, invests them with an academic halo in the eyes of the "peasants", makes it possible for them to serve as unsuspected propagandists for subversive totalitarian causes, and to indoctrinate the emerging generation of voters with Rockefellerism, and to groom them as traitors; it also provides these agents with handsome incomes. This practise is illustrated by their planting General Dwight Eisenhower in Columbia University, Harold Stassen in the University of Pennsylvania, Edward Stettinius in the University of Virginia and many others.

There is no doubt that subversive professors, fostered and subsidized by the General Education Board and allied "philanthropies" rank as the nation's most menacing enemies. They have produced some of our most dangerous traitors. Thus Hunter College, under the aegis of Rockefeller henchman, George N. Shuster, its president, spewed forth, inculcated with his indiscriminate pro-Nazi and pro-Communist totalitarian sentiments, "Axis Sally" Gillars. Harvard University, crawling with Red professorial vermin, evacuated on the nation its Alger Hiss; Cornell, its Lee Pressman; Columbia, its Judy Coplon. They have all loosed upon the nation a horde of unapprehended and unsuspected traitors who are persistently betraying the nation. What a sham it is to pretend to be fighting Communism abroad, while at home these breeders of traitors are turning the younger generation into a horde of dangerously muddled Marxists!

The most pathetic figures in the situation are the nation's youngsters. Several generations of them have been made human sacrifices to the very doctrines that they have been schooled to adore, victims of their teachers' witting or unwitting treachery. For their fate they owe thanks to the success of the General Education Board in infiltrating the public school system throughout the nation and converting it into a subversive agency of Rockefellerism. Their pro-Communist training leads them to betray their country in the interest of the Rockefeller-Soviet Axis. Then they themselves become the victims of their own betrayal, in wars whipped up by arrangement between the pawns of the Axis partners. In the Korean "police action", close to a hundred thousand of them have been injured, and almost 10,000 killed.

Public Elementary Schools

The General Education Board, mindful of the aphorism: "Give me a child till the age of nine, and you can have it for the rest of its life", began to infiltrate and take over the public school system at an early date. It has pursued this objective steadily and with even greater vigor than it manifests in the field of higher education. After initial hostility, National Education Association (NEA) joined forces with the GEB, thus giving it domination of the greatest power in the field of primary education. The Rockefeller group also took over local school boards directly through their associates and agents, and converted them into agencies of subversion. Thus in New York City they took over the school boards and control of the school system about 1915, during the mayoralty of their puppet, John Purroy Mitchell. At about the same time they took over the Gary, Indiana, school system for "experimentation". They placed in charge of it Dr. William A. Wirt, who proved to be a better American than they suspected and exposed their conspiracy to prolong the depression, destroy our government and replace it with their totalitarian, "managed" economy to a Congressional Committee in 1934 (H.R. 73 Congress, 2nd Session). In Scarsdale, New York, Edmund E. Day, Director for Social Sciences of the Rockefeller Foundation, took control for them of the local school board. The radical Progressive Education Association has been a Rockefeller GEB agency from its start.

The nature of the influence which Rockefeller's GEB exercised directly and indirectly through the NEA, is illustrated by a number of their deeds. In 1940 the GEB granted the Progressive Education Society $1,635,941 and the NEA a total of $706,100. In addition, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, allied with the NEA, received a total of $122,600 for the purpose of "helping pupils gain a clearer understanding of problems involved in such fields as planning and public finance, public education, population, unemployment, health, personal security and self-development, democracy and dictatorship, free enterprise and collectivism . . ."(GEB Annual Report, 1940). The money was used for the writing and publication of a series of booklets on Problems in American Life, under the auspices of the NEA.

The pamphlet, The American Way of Business, that was prepared to introduce the junior-high-school grades to the subject, was entrusted by the conspirators to a notorious Communist, Oscar Lange, and Abba Lerner, an advocate of Communism, and both foreign born. Oscar Lange is the naturalized Polish-born professor of economics at the University of Chicago, whom David Rockefeller chose as his mentor and adviser in the writing of his Ph. D. thesis, Economic Waste, which has been described; and in its introduction Nelson expresses his gratitude to Lange "for invaluable criticism and advice". One year after his book was published for distribution among school children, in 1945, Oscar Lange renounced his American citizenship and returned to Poland to become a Communist official in his conquered land. He is now Communist Polish representative in the UN.

True to expectation Lange's pamphlet, The American Way of Business, used in the public schools under the auspices of the Rockefeller-subsidized NEA, was a Communist tract that held up to ridicule American business, that has provided for Communist Russia well enough to save it from destruction at the hands of its confederates, the Nazis. It also lauded Marxist and Communist methods that have failed so utterly to provide the barest necessities of life to the lands that have adopted them. It attacked private enterprise, endorsed government ownership of industry and advised that government bureaucrats be given the power to repeal acts of Congress. It was a polemic for the Rockefeller-Soviet brand of Marxism that goes by the name of New Deal, or Rockefellerism.

Proof that this undertaking to subvert the children was deliberate, is afforded by the examination of other pamphlets in the same series. They are all Communist tracts. Economic Problems of the Post-War World was written by Marxist, New Deal economist, Alvin H. Hansen, and endorses a Marxist program of taxation and deficit spending that will serve to force industry into the hands of the government, which he calls "compensatory spending." Another of the pamphlets of this series, International Organization After The War, was written by the avowed Marxist, Max Lerner, former associate editor of the Communist newspaper, PM.

For the subversion of seventh and eighth grade school children, the General Education Board made a grant of $51,000, in 1938, to the NEA Association for Curriculum Development for the preparation of the "Building America" series of textbooks for use in the nation's primary schools. The title adopted displayed the usual use of semantics by the conspirators. The textbooks are entirely devoted to tearing down America. The texts and their illustrations subtly emphasize the unfavorable aspects of American life and breed a derogatory attitude towards the Constitution and American institutions. Communist Russia and its institutions, on the other hand, are presented in favorable contrast and in the rosiest light. The name of the series should be "Building Soviet America".

The "Building America" series is endorsed as "excellent source material" by the committee on education of the National Committee on Soviet-American Friendship, according to the Report of The Joint Fact-Finding Committee To the 1948 Regular California Legislature On Un-American Activities In California, which also labels the Soviet-American Friendship outfit as "a direct agent of the Soviet Union". A sample of the authors of the Rockefeller-endowed textbook series for subversion of school children is Alain Locke, member of its editorial staff, who had a record of membership in twelve Communist and front organizations.

The "Building America" series was barred from use in the public schools of California by the legislature, in an order cutting off funds for the "textbooks".

Thus does Rockefeller's "philanthropy", the General Education Board, seek to poison the minds of America with Communism and New Deal Rockefellerism from the cradle to the grave, and to convert the school system of the land to a hotbed of Communism and other forms of subversion. Its Communist friends are held largely responsible by Lait and Mortimer in their Washington Confidential for the drive to poison the bodies of school children with narcotics. They report that the sale of narcotics among our school children has been launched by the Communist Party and the Soviets, for the dual purpose of undermining the morale of the country and of providing a revenue for their propaganda. To what extent I.G. Farbenindustrie is encouraging this vile traffic through "Lucky" Luciano as their agent, is not definitely known.

The deliberate fostering and breeding of Communism in our school system emphasizes the sham of the pretense of the conspirators, of fighting Communism abroad. Of what avail is it to fight Communism in other lands, while breeding it at home? Obviously their pretended fight on Communism serves some other purpose.

The Rockefeller interests have been so successful in their plan to have the taxpayers take over, as an official agency, their thought control program launched by the Education Board, with their trained agents as its personnel, that they plan to liquidate the Board. This success is illustrated by the financing of their Institute of International Education, originally operated with Carnegie Corporation and Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial funds, by the Federal Government, with moneys derived from the sale of "surplus" war material overseas, under a bill introduced by their "internationalist" agent, Senator Fulbright. To insure further their subversive control, the Ford Foundation recently has been brought into the picture with a $350,000 grant.

From the outset, the GEB engaged in its brand of agitation, that it calls "education," among the Negroes, especially for the F.E.P.C.