Hanoverians - C. J. B. Gaskoin

Summary of Chief Dates—Hanoverian Period

I. Hanoverian Sovereigns

1714-1727 George I
1727-1760 George II
1760-1820 George III
1820-1830 George IV
1830-1837 William IV
1837-1901 Victoria
1901-1910.Edward VII
1910- George V

II. Chief Events

1716. First Jacobite Rising
1720. South Sea Bubble
1742. Fall of Walpole
1739-1748.The War of Jenkins's Ear (and the Austrian Succession)
1740-1744.Anson's Voyage
1745-1746.Second Jacobite Rising
1748. Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
1756-1763.The Seven Years' War.
1757. Victory of Plassey.
1759. Victories of Minden and Quiberon Bay.
1759 Capture of Quebec
1765-1783.Quarrel with the American Colonies.
1776. Declaration of Independence.
1777. Saratoga Springs.
1781. Surrender of Yorktown
1783-1801.Pitt's First Ministry
1793-1802.War with France.
1794. The Glorious First of June.
1797. Battles of St. Vincent and Camperdown.
1798. Battle of the Nile.
1801. Battle of Copenhagen
1801. Union of Ireland with Great Britain
1802. Peace of Amiens
1805. Battle of Trafalgar
1815. Battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo
1829. Catholic Emancipation
1832. The First Reform Act
1833. Abolition of Slavery
1846. Repeal of the Corn Laws
1848. The Chartist Movement
1854-1856.Crimean War
1857-1859.Indian Mutiny
1867. Second Reform Act
1867 Formation of the Dominion of Canada
1882. Occupation of Egypt
1884. Third Reform Bill
1899-1902. South African War
1900. Formation of the Commonwealth of Australia
1909. Foundation of the Union of South Africa
1911. The Parliament Act