Cecil Rhodes - Ian D. Colvin

Cecil Rhodes was called the Colossus of South Africa. He made enormous sums of money on South Africa's natural resources of diamonds and gold, but his real love was politics and he worked ceaselessly toward his vision of a Unified South Africa. Though always a controversial figure, he dedicated his entire life and fortune towards promoting what he considered the best aspects of British culture.

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[Cover] from Cecil Rhodes by Ian D. Colvin
[Title] from Cecil Rhodes by Ian D. Colvin
[Frontispiece] from Cecil Rhodes by Ian D. Colvin


[Title Page] from Cecil Rhodes by Ian D. Colvin
[Dedication Page] from Cecil Rhodes by Ian D. Colvin


The books to which I am most indebted for the material used in this little Life of Rhodes are Sir Lewis Michell's Biography, which is full of valuable information; Mr. Philip Jourdan's book of personal memories, which in its simplicity and sincerity has a fair title to be called a masterpiece; the Speeches of Rhodes, by "Vindex"—a "mine" as biographers say; and the late Sir Thomas Fuller's admirable monograph. Besides these there are others which I name elsewhere.

I. D. C.
Royal Colonial Institute,
December  1912;
[Contents] from Cecil Rhodes by Ian D. Colvin