There are hundreds of signs, symbols, occupations, locations, and behaviors that are indicative of "Cabal" influence. However, to understand and recognize their significance, one has to immerse oneself in history. A simple laundry-list of Cabal red flags without an understanding of their importance is of limited use, and trying to explain "historical significance" without a working knowledge of history is futile. Most people know very little history and those who do are ofen offended at the implication that certain well-known heroes might have sinister associations, or that seemingly spontaneous events were planned in advance. If you do not have a good background in world history or are not prepared to be "disillusioned" then the whole project of historical revisionism may not be a good hobby, and you should look elsewhere.
In order to recognize signs of Cabal activity in history, one not only needs a broad knowledge of history, one should also be familiar with the extremely serious problems with existing historical records. In short, much of Western history has been falsified or distorted. The people really existed; the battles really happened; crises really occurred, but the meaning of many events are misrepresented, and the puppet-masters behind the scenes are only hinted at. If you have not read Difficulties with Researching Secret Socities, do so before proceeding. Some knowledge of Phoenician History is also essential, since many of the Pathologies of the Cabal can be traced to Canaanite-Phoenician practices of mind control and deception, used since ancient times.
In the following summary, we will focus primarily on Europe and the Mediterranean region, partly because these are the regions where "Phoenician" influence was predominant, but also because our own knowledge of Ancient and European history is fairly good and we are reasonably confident of our conclusions. But it is important to understand that the "secret knowledge" possessed by the Cabal was shared by conspirators worldwide. Someone with a better knowledge of the histories of India, China, and Central Asia might be better able to explain Cabal operations in those regions.
Signs of Cabal in history are varied. Location is one important aspect—in past ages there have been some specific areas of intense Cabal activity. Another indication is occupations or trades that are related to their "secret knowledge," or are of strategic importance to the cabal. Other signs include religious rites, symbolism, secret societies, and bizarre techniques of mind-control. Because material related to cabal markers is extensive, we have divided the information into two pages. The following categories, developed on this page, refer to visible indicators such as location, occupation, and symbols. A discussion of the strange but distinctive behaviors and methods of the Cabal are discussed on the Cabal Pathologies page.
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Before proceeding, it may be helpful to mention a few tips to understanding the way the Cabal operates. It is not a normal institution, and its ways are difficult for normal people to fathom. These are just a few things to consider when trying to comprehend how a small cult of criminally insane impostors has effectively hijacked all of human history.
Mobsters and Minions—For most of history the Cabal has not been a top-down hierarchy, but rather a distributed and interlocking network of criminal cartels, with autonomous, but co-operating local leaders:— an oligarchy rather than a dictatorship. Even in ancient times, Tyre and Carthage did not directly rule over most other Phoenician colonies, but rather co-operated in maintaining monopolies and protecting secret knowledge. We find it helpful to think of the Cabal as an interlocking group of mobsters—with mob bosses controlling particular regions and rackets (and sometimes killing each other), rather than as a top-down demonic hierarchy. Various factions compete for power, spy on each other, betray each other, but often work together and protect each other as well. However, Omerta, the mafia code of silence, applies to all members of the cult at all times and all cooperate in guarding their secrets and conspiring against "the sheep".
"Expand Your Thinking"—Another thing to keep in mind, or at least attempt to get your head around, is that Cabal orchestrated incidents are sometimes extremely complex. Certain events may be planned decades or even generations in advance and involve years of "pre-conditioning" so that they appear spontaneous. By inciting hatreds and suspicions among people, controlling opposition leadership, and employing false flags, the Cabal can incite devastating wars, or unleash destructive violence at will, with ready scapegoats. They write laws whose purpose is the exact opposite of its nominal intention, and sign peace treaties that are designed to trigger wars. They incite small, local conflicts with the intention of laying the groundwork for broad, larger conflicts, with pre-agreed outcomes. They fake the deaths of high-ranking Cabal heroes and villains for dramatic effect. They use fear, suspicion, terror, and superstition as tools and keep the general population as ignorant as possible, either by denying opportunities for education, or by turning education into a brain-washing exercise. It is essential to "expand your thinking", and consider possible machinations that are never presented in conventional histories, or you will not be able to comprehend the true meaning of events.
Cabal Failures—The situation is bleak and recognizing the extent of Cabal subterfuge can be discouraging, but do not despair. The Cabal makes many serious errors, and often their plans go awry. Although in many cases competing factions of the Cabal have worked in collusion, they have just as often murdered and undermined each other. To some extent, the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, Communism, etc., can be seen as attempts by certain factions to impose a top-down hierarchy, but none have been permanently successful. In recent centuries, however, there has been a concerted effort to impose world government but it has been a difficult project. Much push-back has come from Americans and other freedom-loving people and it is a serious obstacle that many of us take their duplicitous promises of liberty, prosperity, and God-given rights quite seriously.
Truth is still Truth—It is also important to remember that behind every "false leader" one encounters in re-evaluating history that there are thousands of good-hearted citizens who believe every word of their inspiring, but perfidious hero. Many of the greatest and truest quotes about authentic liberty and morality can be found in the works of "opposition leaders" who say exactly what their followers know to be true. Truth is still truth when it comes from the mouths of compulsive liars and manipulators. Virtue is still virtue in spite of its use as a false-cover for nefarious activities. The vast majority of people are sincere, trustworthy compatriots and there is no reason to be disillusioned about fundamental principles. As G.K. Chesterton once said about his own lost innocence: "I still believe in liberalism today as much as I ever did, but, oh, there was a happy time when I believed in liberals."
Maintain Skepticism—Finally, we would like to remind readers that some of the following information is speculative. We have a broad and fairly detailed knowledge of history and are well-read. Most of our sources are long dead authors rather than contemporary accounts. Historical scholarship was far more solidly grounded in authentic research in the 18th and 19th centuries than it is today, but even so we read all history with discernment. It is sometimes difficult to cite our sources, but we have included specific references in many places, and mentioned some especially interesting authors. We are obviously interpreting events from a "conspiratorial view of history" which we believe is a far more accurate frame of reference. But we are "outsiders" whose insights are guided by circumstantial evidence and intuition, not indelible proofs.
In modern times, the Cabal has expanded worldwide, and has operations in virtually every major city or capital in the developed world. This list of regions that have historical ties to the cabal is focused on regions of concentrated activity from ancient times until the 19th century. Wherever possible we have traced cabal activity to ancient Phoenician colonies or mediaeval trading networks, since these associations are never mentioned in conventional histories. And although we know the cabal network existed worldwide, at this time are focusing mostly on Europe and the Near East.
Egypt—Before the Phoenician trading cartel established an independent empire based in Tyre, they operated in partnership with Egypt. The Hyksos dynasty, who ruled during Mosaic times, were of Canaanite origin. The Egyptian gods and symbolism are important to the Cabal, especially the myths of Ra, the Sun God, and Osiris; involving Isis, Horus, and Set (abbreviated IHS). The Egyptian pyramids, obelisks, and 'Eye of Ra' are of great symbolic importance. The Ptolemy dynasty based in Egypt was Canaanite, and the city of Alexandria was a major center of Cabal activity during the Hellenistic and Roman eras.
Levant—The "Levant" or Eastern Mediterranean, now Lebanon and Israel, was homeland of the 'Canaanites' of Biblical times. It is a region with too many ties to the Cabal to innumerate. It is worth noting, however, that Mt. Zion, the location of Solomon's Temple, was originally a Canaanite fortress, so the medieval "Knights Templars" and the modern "Zionists" were Crypto-Canaanites. It is also worth noting that the Crusades (led by Canaanite-Franks/Normans) were organized primarily to regain control of important trading centers on the Levant Coast. The close association between Jewish and Phoenician landmarks, language and history, results in many Crypto-Canaanite symbols and terms being identified as Jewish or Christian—a most useful deception. And almost every major city or landmark in the region has historical associations with the Cabal.
Asia Minor—The "Greater Levant" included the Southern and Western coasts of Asia Minor. In Ancient times, the Near East was the home of the "Seven Sages" (several of whom were Phoenician), Croesus,—the richest man in Asia, the library of Ephesus, the Mithra mysteries, the Cilician pirates, and other historical figures with Cabal associations. Some researchers even believe that Ancient Troy was a Canaanite city. Historically, Greeks controlled trade in the Aegean Sea, but the entire civilization of Ancient Greece was heavily influenced by their Phoenician neighbors, and certain Greek characters, especially those with extreme wealth, show suspicious Canaanite tendencies.
Venice/Northern Italy—The Adriatic Sea and Po River network have many ties to the Cabal reaching back to Roman times, but it is most notable as the home base of the powerful Venetian trading Empire of the Middle Ages, which certainly had Phoenician tendencies. There is so much shady and suspicious about the Venetian oligarchy that it positively screams Cabal, and by some accounts was the command-center of the Italio-Phoenician mafia for much of medieval times. Conventional histories of Venice are vague regarding its origins, but in other histories of the region, there are references to the "Adriatic Veneti" a mysterious nation of "pirates" and "traders" with customs and secret knowledge, that sound familiar to students of Phoenicia. It is interesting that in Italian, the words for Fenicia and Venezia are nearly identical.
During Imperial times as well as the Middle Ages, much of Northern Italy appears to have been a Cabal stronghold. Lombardy and Florence were medieval banking and finance centers, (note Lombard Street in the "City of London") and the Tuscan cities of Pisa, Sienna, and Genoa were important trading centers. Not surprisingly, the politics of the entire region were notorious for treachery, murder, and bloodshed, and many signs point to Cabal influence. A list of the great Italian families of the Middle Ages is likely an inventory of Canaanite honchos. And regarding their relationship to the Papacy, we fear to speculate.
Spain/Portugal—The Iberian Peninsula has been one of the most important Cabal "Hot Spots" for over 3000 years. The Guadalquivir Valley and surrounding mountains were colonized and settled by Phoenicians before 1000 B.C. and quickly became the most important center of silver mining and metal working in Europe. Cadiz was a major Phoenician port, second only to Carthage in the west, and many ancient Spanish cities have Phoenician roots. When Carthage was destroyed in 146 B.C. a great many refugees relocated there and took active roles in the wars with Rome. They had great influence in Rome during Imperial times, and later reappeared as "Sephardic Jews" during the Visigoth era.
The enormous influence wielded by crypto-Canaanite Jews during Roman, Visigoth, Moorish, and Christian eras, offers many disturbing insights into Spanish history. The numerous accusations against Jews of human sacrifice ("blood libel"); the anti-Jewish edicts of the Councils of Toledo; the Jewish alliance with "Moors" against the Visigoth Catholics; the the quick rise of the Cordoba Caliphate (under Canaanite rule) to great heights of prosperity and sophistication; the pogroms; the false "conversos"; and the expulsions of Jews from Spain in 1492 all make much more sense when one realizes the malevolent influence of a crypto-Canaanite cult on the entire region.
And their influence has continued into modern times. The story of the early Sephardim colonists in America, their associations with Columbus and Jamaica, the influence of Spanish Jews and Marranos in the Netherlands, Portugal, Turkey, and Britain following their expulsion from Spain have all been of enormous consequence. The continuing influence of Hispanic Phoenicians, known in more recent centuries as Sephardim, Marranos, Conversos and Jesuits, has been monumental world-wide since the 16th century.
Provence/Rhone River—When one reads Roman and French histories closely, much of Southern coastal France, including the Rhone river valley, is an area of great interest. Rome conquered the region long before the rest of Gaul and ruled it as a province (hence its name, Provence), and it was an area of much activity during the critical century before the fall of the Republic. Its heraldry and history offer clear indications of Phoenician influence. The region was a stronghold of the highly-suspicious, six-time consul, Marius, and the "Lost Treasure of Tolosa" scandal was closely linked with families related to the even-more-suspicious Caesars. The towns of Nabonne, Arles, and Marseilles were important allies of the early Capet kings, and the region was also the site of the notorious Albigensian heresy and crusade. The Rhone river, one of the most navigiable waterways in Europe, was of enormous importance during Roman times, and the Rhone cities of Marseilles, Avignon, Lyons, and Geneva all have important Cabal-related associations.
Saxons/Rhine River—The House of Saxony goes far back in time and has produced dozens of eminent personages. The of Saxon-Gotha clan controls the British monarchy and is among the top Cabal ruling families! But where did this Royal house originate? In the 10th century the Duke of Saxony became king of East Franconia (Germany), and his Queen was of the family of Wittekind, the Saxon enemy of Charlemagne. Their descendants included both Otto the Great, the first Holy Roman Emperor, and Hugh Capet, the first king of France.
But the history of the Saxons, goes back further than Wittekind, and takes several interesting turns. In Roman times the Saxons were pirates and traders who inhabited the English Channel, the Netherlands, and the Rhine river valley. They had probable links to the Phoenician traders who traveled yearly to the British and French coasts, and who had settlements near the Rhine.
There is considerable speculation regarding the origin of the Vikings and Danes, but given that the Rhineland Saxons were historically Pirates and many migrated to Denmark following the conquest of Saxony by Charlemagne, it is safe to assume the Ancient Saxons had much to do with the Viking/Danish raids on England and France. The Vikings were known to offer human sacrifice and their ships and runes evince certain suspicious symbolism. The region is also known for the very suspicious Vehmic Courts of the Middle Ages, the mysterious Hansa League of the Baltic, and for Amsterdam, the "Venice of the North." Rhenish "Jews", and their allies were the Bankers of the Normans and the Holy Roman Empire, during the Middle Ages, and even now are among the top agents of the world banking cartel.
Malta and Sicily—The Phoenicians established colonies on islands throughout the Mediterranean, but Malta and Sicily were of special importance, especially after Carthage became the primary Phoenician colony in the West. Malta was settled by Phoenicans for 800 years before it fell into Roman hands, but even today the Maltese language maintains its Semitic-Phoenician roots. During the Middle Ages Malta was liberated from Moslem rule by the Normans, and ultimately given to the Hospitallier order who were required to pay the King of Spain one "Maltese Falcon" per year as tribute, and the Knights of Malta are an enormously important Cabal secret society. Sicily also maintained a significant historical importance to the Cabal, not only during Roman times, but also during the Middle Ages. In more recent years the Cosa Nostra, an organized crime cartel, originated in Sicily.
Other Islands—In addition to Malta and Sicily, the Phoenicians established colonies and store-houses on islands, not just in the Mediterranean, but everywhere they traveled. They likely had access to open sea navigation instruments since ancient times, and there are Phoenician relics on islands throughout the world, from the northern Atlantic to the South Seas. Wherever possible, the Phoenicians built cities, fortresses, and storehouses on islands or Peninsulas, surrounded as much as possible by water. Tyre and Cadiz were island cities, and Bahrain, Crete, Rhodes, and Cyprus all held important Phoenician colonies . In later years, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, and Azores were all of great strategic importance. It is impossible to list in detail the dozens of strategic islands that have important Phoenician or Cabal associations. But for the purpose of Cabal "red flags," islands, in general, are an important identifier. Even in recent centuries the Cabal has designated Britain, an island nation, as its worldwide financial and political headquarters.
British Isles—Some researchers claim the British Isles were greatly influenced by Phoenician settlers and Druid priests in ancient times, but much of their early history has been "lost". The Island's better recorded associations with the Cabal began with the tenth century Norman Conquest which was undoubtedly arranged and financed by forces who sought to bring Britain into the fold of the Roman-Norman sphere of influence. As soon as he came to power William the conqueror granted generous privileges to his allies in the "City of London", and invited Rhenish Jews, allied with the German Hansa League to settle in his domain. There are many suspicious characters during the Plantagenet era but the political machinations of medieval Europe are too mind-boggling to address here, even without considering Cabal influence.
During the Tudor era, power began slipping from the traditional Norman nobility to the banker and merchant classes. The city of London had always been home to the bankers and advisors of Plantagenet kings, but now they began working towards direct rule. The Boleyn and Cecil families were associated with the sea-faring "Mercer's Guild" and during Elizabeth's reign English Sea Power rose to unprecedented heights. Over the next hundred years, the merchants and cabalists of the "City of London" continued to gain political power and with Glorious Revolution of 1688, the English Parliament, purse, and army fell entirely under their control. The creation of the Bank of England in 1694 led immediately to the "National Debt" and "Fractional Reserve Banking", the Cabal's current favored form of world domination. Centuries of tax-payer subsidized wars of conquest ensued, and by the 19th century, the Cabalists of the "City of London" had succeeded in bringing much of the world under their direct control.
Switzerland—Switzerland is a deeply suspicious country. Swiss banking is suspicious. Geneva is suspicious. The rumored connection between Switzerland and the Knights Templars is suspicious. The Swiss Guard is suspicious. The Hapsburgs are exceedingly suspicious, and their dynasty originated in Switzerland. Switzerland's tiny neighbor Liechtenstein, which appears to exist entirely as a tax-haven for the ultra-wealthy, is ultra-suspicious. St Gallen is suspicious. The International Red Cross is based in Switzerland and it is suspicious. Even Switzerland's neutrality and tranquility during centuries of devastating continental warfare is suspicious. Only a cabal stronghold could possibly remain as pleasant, prosperous, peaceful, and serenely scenic as Switzerland for 500 years without being plundered by the Cabal.
Capital Cities—Because the Cabal is very frequently involved in government, there is usually a permanent colony of Canaanites in every major Capital city. London, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Berlin, and all other European capitals have a significant Cabal population. Cities that are no longer top tier power centers, but were important during the Middle Ages, such as Prague, Genoa, Florence, Marseilles, Palermo, Milan, Kiev, Novgorod, and Seville, were also important Cabal strongholds.
In the following section (Cabal Occupations) we discuss industries and professions that have historically been associated with the cabal, such as trade, money-lending, and espionage. In recent centuries, however, the cabal's sphere of influence has expanded to such extremes that it is hard to identify industries that are NOT cabal controlled. The "hidden hand" of the cabal elite now dominates a vast share of the world economy and most cultural institutions. But even this is not enough. The conspirators envision a corporate-based "New World Order" that will provide for all human needs. The "sheep" will work for cabal-controlled companies, live in cabal-owned homes, eat cabal-grown food, view cabal-produced entertainment, and think cabal-managed thoughts.
The conspirators have not yet achieved their dreams of a technocratic, dystopian, one-world government. But it is long past time to take a close look at some of the familiar institutions that the cabal has used to expand its influence in recent centuries. Without understanding the insidious potential of certain financial instruments and legal arrangements that the cabal has used to extend its power, it is impossible to think clearly about cabal activities in either ancient and modern times. The following definitions provide important insights into certain cabal-related institutions, and provide context for recognizing cabal activities, old and new.
High Tech Despotism—Before attempting to recognize activities of the cabal in the remote past, we need to understand the ominous new methods of control and manipulation provided by modern technology. The field of espionage provides an excellent example of this: For most of history the cabal operated spy rings employing servants, post-masters, inn-keepers, priests, clerks, harlots, and many other intermediaries. Spymasters used bribery and blackmail when necessary and bought and sold intelligence in a methodical fashion. In modern times, however, electronic surveillance of almost everything is possible, so the entire edifice of a spy network based on personal contact has been replaced with one based on technology. Controlling the executives of technology companies and intelligence agencies is now more important than maintaining a network of informers. Espionage is now a "corporate" activity, planned, financed, and operated by multi-national companies that have a legal right to "do business" in all corners of the world.
The point of this illustration is not the horrifying new methods of espionage, but rather, the importance of corporate control. In the past, spy-craft was only one of many cabal "industries" that were operated by well-connected and individually trained agents, with limited spheres of influence. In modern times, spying—like every other field of interest to the cabal, is under corporate control. When attempting to understand the cabal's influence in history, it is important to realize what an enormous role multi-national companies play in modern times, and how cabal institutions operated in a fundamentally different manner in past ages.
Let's take a closer look at exactly what companies and corporations really are, and how they have been used to maintain and expand a cabal-controlled world economic system.
Company—The term "company" is of ancient origin, and its earliest meaning was a group with which one shared a meal (com=with, pan=bread). The cabal has long attached an occult meaning to the word but historically it was used to describe a group of soldiers. For example, the roving bands of mercenaries in medieval Europe were known as "Great Companies", "Free Companies", or "Companies of Adventure", and virtually all were formed and employed by cabal operatives. During the same period the term was used to refer to certain guilds, such as the "Livery Companies" of England, which were cabal-controlled secret societies. London's "Worshipful Company of Mercers," for example, was led by The City's most powerful Canaanite merchants and dozens of similar "companies" controlled trade throughout Europe. During the 17th and 18th centuries, most foreign colonies were founded and governed by private "companies" (such as the notorious British "East India Company") who had been granted legal privileges and a monopoly on trade, rather than by national governments.
In modern times the term company refers mainly to business corporations and is seen as innocuous. Most people work for a company and cannot imagine economy in which they were not the most prevalent form of employment. But for most of history, "companies" were mainly cabal-controlled entities, and even today the term has some dubious associations. A number of highly suspicious organizations, such as the Jesuits, the CIA, and various organized crime cartels, are still referred to simply as "The Company",
Corporations—The idea of incorporation, that is, granting of legal personhood to a company is both old and new. It derives from Roman law, (corpes=body, "to give a body to") but its modern legal status was not developed until recent centuries when certain privileges that had formerly been associated with human persons were interpreted to apply to corporate entities. Fundamental rights associated with incorporation include the right to own property, to make contracts, to employ people, and to sue and be sued. But courts have expanded these rights to include privacy, free speech, and equal protection under the law, based on an expansive reading of the 14th amendment. The expansion of rights of citizenship to corporations was intentional, because it inhibits almost all restraints on corporate power.
The concept of limited liability, that is, the right of owners to be protected from losses that exceed their investment, dates back to the first joint stock companies of the 17th century. Transferrable stocks also provided a convenient way to disguise the ownership of companies, launder money, and bribe politicians. Joint stock companies helped financed the massive growth of international trade in the 18th century, the "Industrial Revolution" of the 19th century, and the phenomenal rise of America as an industrial power. So it has only been in recent centuries that world commerce has been dominated by corporations whose anonymous owners are immune from liability from negligent or criminal acts committed by their officers. Incorporated businesses and foundations are therefore of enormous benefit to wealthy "investors" as vehicles for growing, protecting, and shielding their assets. Virtually all modern corporate law has been authored and superintended by the cabal, for their enrichment and the expansion of their influence.
Monopoly Capitalism—The establishment and maintenance of monopolies is as old as the Cabal, and is it's most fundamental occupation. In ancient times Phoenician traders maintained monopolies on virtually all international commerce. In the Middle Ages sovereigns raised money by selling monopolies on particular wares to wealthy merchants and the great cabal-dominated trading networks based in Venice, Genoa, Lubeck and Antwerp all operated as monopolies. In later centuries, the East India Companies of Holland and Britain were based on monopolies granted by national sovereigns, as were the central banks that now control the worlds' money supply. The cabal strives to maintain monopolies in almost every field, although it makes efforts to disguise its control. For example, in order to maintain the illusion of choice, most markets are dominated by several colluding companies rather than a single seller.
Maintaining monopolies on trade, mastery of natural and economic resources, control of the money supply, and manipulation of the servant classes is the permanent occupation and raison d'etre of the cabal. In undeveloped and communist countries their control is effected by naked dictatorship and fantastic disparities between upper and lower classes, but in the liberty-loving west it must be disguised as free-market capitalism, with the playing field tilted extremely heavily in favor of those who control the lions' share of the capital. Only by keeping up the appearance of free-choice and competition can the cabal insure that liberty-loving patriots, who mistakenly believe that the world economy operates on something resembling a free-enterprise system, are its most zealous defenders.
The truth is, a genuinely free-market can only exist in a society in which there are independent buyers and sellers, and limited barriers to entry. This condition cannot exist when wealthy conspirators are able to exert their influence through a network of colluding corporations. Small-scale businesses and individuals cannot possibly compete with exceedingly well-funded, interconnected corporations. Cabal-controlled corporations can endure sustained losses, raise money in rigged exchanges, and summon armies of lawyers to protect their rights and harass their competitors. As soon as a cabal-controlled firm enters a market it is no longer free. Monopoly capitalism is not "free-enterprise", it is tyranny.
Fractional Reserve Banking—Fractional Reserve Banking is a method by which government debt, instead of gold, is used to guarantee a country's monetary system. In the olden days, a bank had to have a supply of gold in order to make loans, and in fact anyone with a pile of gold and silver who wanted to loan it out at interest could operate a bank. This system obviously hindered the cabal's ability to monopolize the money supply, so a new system was needed. The modern era of "Fractional Reserve Banking" was ushered in by the Bank of England, founded shortly after the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688. The charter of the Bank of England 1) granted the bank a monopoly on loaning money to the government, and 2) provided for interest on government loans to be paid by direct taxation. These were enormously important to the idea of central banking, but the real key to FRB was 3) allowing the Bank of England to use I.O.U. notes from the British government as collateral for making additional loans. In essence, the Bank was allowed to loan out money on interest twice, once to the government, and again to private enterprises.
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
Under the FRB model operated by the Bank of England, the more money the government borrowed, the richer the bankers became, and the more money was available for private enterprise. During the 18th and 19th centuries, Britain became involved in dozens of continental and colonial wars, the "National Debt" exploded, and the "Bank of England" stockholders, including many members of Parliament, became fabulously wealthy. Since that time the entire field of banking has become dramatically more complicated, all based on the non-intuitive concept of debt as a basis of wealth. Fractional Reserve Banking is the golden goose that has allowed the vast majority of the world's wealth to be concentrated into a small number of hands in only a few generations. It is the driving engine of massive wealth disparity, wasteful social programs, corporate control of industry, world wars, and confiscatory taxation.
Sustainable Despotism—It is a common cabal tactic to permit certain free-enterprise systems to exist for limited periods, for the purpose of establishing profitable economic institutions. The cabal knows that free men can clear forests, plant crops, form cities, and establish businesses more productively than slaves. But influential free men are a threat, so once a region is sufficiently developed they have numerous methods of swooping in and taking control. Debt and taxes are their primary methods of wealth confiscation, so catastrophes and conflict can be used to great advantage. For centuries wars have been an effective method of indebting and enslaving nations, and in recent years, economic depressions and socialist policies have also been profitable.
Unfortunately for the cabal, if they push their confiscatory policies too hard for too long, the social system which they feed upon has a tendency to collapse. This has happened numerous times in history, from the fall of the Roman Empire to the implosion of communism. It seems that establishing a durable world government,—an explicit Canaanite goal in recent centuries,—has proven difficult, but a long term plan does exist, and the "Sustainable Development" goals of Agenda 21 are certainly part of a plan for organizing an oppressive world government.
However, the tyrannical cabal schemes for sustainable despotism go back much further. The Report from Iron Mountain, (published 1967), was the work of a cabal-related "Study Group" that provided an alarmingly frank discussion of the difficulties of keeping a population "under control" in the absence of war, or some other existential threat to its existence. The plan of concocting a fake environmental crisis that could be used to impose world government and place severe restrictions on personal autonomy, was discussed in detail. But environmental alarmism was only one of many disturbing suggestions for deluding, manipulating, and culling the population. "Sustainable Development", is just one part of a demonic plan to organize world government in a manner that provides for permanent Cabal control of all aspects of human civilization. Intentionally wasteful social programs, massive campaigns of government propaganda, psychological conditioning and medication of the population have all been explicitly planned for. Whatever it takes to keep the population ignorant and enslaved, the cabal is prepared to do.
Cabal Minions—There is one more topic that needs to be discussed before we can identify cabal agents in history based on their occupations, that is, the vital role of cabal minions. Cabal leaders,—that is the true Canaanites who know of the cult's innermost secrets—are relatively few in number, and are almost always surrounded by subordinates who serve their interests without a full knowledge of the inner workings of the Cabal. The Cabal controls many useful industries and promotes a variety of ideologies, so a multitude of competent professionals and sincere adherents do its bidding without any notion that they are serving a baneful master. These minions are sometimes aware of a certain amount of corruption or intrigue, but they often ardently support the mission of the organization in which they are involved, and may be outspoken in its defense.
There is no good way to characterize the culpability of Cabal minions. Some are utterly sincere and would be horrified at the truth; others are just doing a job for pay; and others idolize their leaders and may even believe criminal or corrupt endeavors are justified because the "end justifies the means." Still others may be malicious or avaricious enough to cooperate with cabal schemes, but are too unstable to trust with secrets. Others may be blackmailed, threatened, or see no alternative to continued employment. We use the term minion to describe an enormous range of actors who are less than fully blameworthy, but who, by sincere belief or necessity, operate cabal-led corporations and institutions. In a world that is almost entirely controlled at the highest levels by malevolent masterminds, it is difficult to avoid working directly or indirectly for the cabal, and the line between minion and sheep, is not at all clear.
The discussion of companies and corporations given above was necessary because it is important to understand that these legal structures were invented by the cabal for the explicit purpose of hiding and protecting their wealth. By controlling a complicated network of foundations, trust funds, holding companies, mutual funds, and other complicated financial instruments a small number of people can wield enormous influence over the worldwide economy. In other words, corporation are, in and of themselves, tools for cabal domination. Not all corporations are corrupt—thousands of legitimate small-scale businesses have been "incorporated." But Fortune 500 multi-nationals, interstate banks, large insurance companies and investment firms are, without exception cabal instruments.
Bear in mind, however, that the number of actual "insiders" in these enterprises is relatively small. Cabal agents usually assume positions in executive areas, such as CEO, or in corporate alliances, purchasing, or finance. The vast majority of employees, however, are minions. In a world dominated by cabal controlled corporations, it is difficult to avoid serving mammon in some way or another. The following are all legitimate occupations that are largely under Cabal control, and the majority of positions are filled by good people with no direct association with cabal activities.
Commerce, Transportation, Distribution—One of the oldest Canaanite monopolies involved control of trade and commerce. In ancient times they operated trading stations, marine commerce, and overland roads and caravans. Cabal agents were ship builders, provisioners, surveyors, map-makers, and operated warehouses and shipping centers. In the Middle Ages the Cabal controlled all major commercial monopolies, including the Hansa League, the Venetian Empire, Genoa and the Italian trading republics, the Portuguese and Dutch Empires in Asia, and the British East India Company. The Cabal now controls all major ports, shipping lines, the teamsters and longshore unions, and rail transport, not to mention warehouses, distribution networks, and major chain stores.
Building Trades, Public Works—In ancient times, the Cabal controlled the erection of Public buildings, roads, and Temples. The Freemasons trace their roots to the secret societies associated with the building trades. In modern times, Cabal agents are mainly involved in large scale, publicly funded, or publically subsidized building projects. Think of HUD and "Urban Renewal" scandals. One of their main modern focuses is to force us all into densely packed urban areas as renters. Think of the Kowloon Walled City near Hong Kong.
Banking, Insurance, Stock and Bond Market, Finance, Precious Metals—In ancient times, the Phoenicians controlled mining, precious metals, and minting. The most ancient bankers were usurers who dealt in precious metals and coins as well as land deeds and bartered goods. Virtually every development in modern finance, including commercial banks, central banks, credit unions, insurance companies, government guaranteed loans, stocks, bonds, fractional-reserve banking, and the entire idea of incorporation, can be traced back to Cabal operators seeking ways to hide and protect their money and to exert control over the worldwide economy. No one cares about money, obsesses about money, or manipulates money like the Cabal. Owning everything starts with controlling all the money.
Government, Executive functions, Law-makers, Regulators—The ruling class of virtually all nations has been infiltrated by the Cabal for centuries. Most countries, no matter what their official government form, are, and have always been oligarchies, run almost entirely by a ruling aristocracy. There are, however, often rival factions competing for control of key offices, so "palace politics" is a huge factor in most conventional histories. Most laws and regulations are designed to benefit key constitents, but even in monarchies and dictatorships, there is almost always an attempt to write laws is such a way that they appear to benefit the common man, while enriching the upper classes. The design of laws, regulations, and reforms which appear to have popular support, but are mere power grabs is an art form among the Cabal, dating back to ancient times, and very conspicuous during the Roman era.
Intelligence, Espionage, Postal Systems—Like Trade, Espionage is one of the oldest Canaanite occupations. The art of spying and influence peddling deserves its own book. R.W. Rowan's "Secret Service" is one of the best we are aware of, but we currently do have not online copies available. The ancient spy network was closely related to the occupation of "Soothsayers" listed below. It is also interesting to note that most post offices, dating back to the Roman Empire, were run by spy rings.
Religious Hierarchies, Astrologists, Soothsayers—The Cabal in western countries is most closely associated with Jewish and Christian religious leaders, but infiltration of religious systems, priests, prophets, magicians, alchemists, soothsayers, monks, and philosophers is a worldwide phenomenon. The Cabal uses religion and moral systems to control people, and also to control money, since land and riches are often "donated" for religious purposes, and religious charities are an extremely effective way of disguising ill-intent. The first "banks" and "safe-deposit" boxes, in ancient times were associated with temples, and prophets, soothsayers, and astrologists were usually connected with spy networks which aided them in predicting future events. They also used secrets such as magnetism, astronomical knowledge, chemical reactions, and medicines/poisons to fool, frighten, and control people. The Cabal supposedly worships "Satan" but the real purpose of Satanic rituals is mind-control. The Cabal is syncretic, and has always grafted their own meaning and symbolism onto existing belief systems. The ancient Greco-Roman "Mystery Religions" were some of the earliest "Secret Societies."
Corporate Leaders, Monopoly Capitalists—The corporation was a Cabal invention, as was both "communism" and "capitalism". In all events, the goal of the Cabal is monopoly, from the Salt Trade of the Middle Ages, to Standard Oil, to Amazon and Starbucks. Monopoly capitalism is the antithesis of "Free Market", and the Cabal agents, with the backing of bankers with infinitely deep pockets, enter commercial markets not to "compete", but to monopolize trade. They underprice other vendors and expand their operations without regard to cash-flow, and when necessary buy out successful competitors.
Medicine, Pharmaceuticals—Many of the Cabal's oldest secrets had to do with medicines and poisons, which they used to both cure and kill. In ancient times, the "Medicine men" were closely related to priests, prophets, and magi. In the Middle Ages, secret formulas for medicines, aphrodisiacs, abortaficients and "inheritance powders" (i.e. poisons) were controlled by a network of apothecaries. In modern times pharmaceuticals comprise an enormously powerful industry that controls entire swaths of the world economy. The opium trade, of value mainly for its society-destroying, addictive properties, has always been a Cabal favorite. Josephson's "Your Life is Their Toy", is a good introduction to the Rockefeller run American Medical Cabal. The books was written in the 1950's and things are much worse today, but the foundation of our corrupt medical system was laid a hundred years ago.
City Government—The Cabal has always been based in cities, so city-governments have long been under their sway. In the Middle Ages, "Burghers" were an elite class, that controlled all city offices, and cities often had charters that freed them from the taxes and obligations of local feudal lords. In modern times local government is the special province of Freemasons and "Planning and Zoning" is where much of the effort to control cities and all the land surrounding them, is currently focused.
Real-estate, Land-holding Corporations, Environmental Issues—Direct control of as much land as possible is a high priority of the cabal, and they have many methods of seizing control. Today the vast majority of farmland has fallen into the hands of large corporations and wealthy individuals. But "agribusiness" is not new. During the waning years of the Roman Republic great swaths of farmland were transformed from independent family farms into gigantic "latifundia", worked by slaves. In the Middle Ages, the Feudal system was designed to give cabal vassals control of most property, and serfs were entirely dependent on their overlords. And we haven't even begun to talk about methods of cabal control of urban tracts.
Control of land means control of natural resources, forests, farmlands, and people. However, it is not enough to merely own land. Control of land is tied up with many laws, having to do with inheritance, servitude, taxes, subsidies, water-rights, zoning, and environmental legislation. The Cabal must control laws governing land-owners to its agents can hold the land profitably. In some cases this means low taxes for large land holders, and onerous restrictions on building for small land holders. But it often also means government subsidies and incentives. One of the main purposes of the "Environmental Movement" is to provide a rational for subsidizing large land holders, and blocking off large tracts of land from non-Cabal-controlled development. There are many other ways to make landuse unprofitable for independent farmers, while subsidizing large corporations, and thats not even considering the opporunities provided by natural disasters for mass land acquisition.
Military, Arms-Dealers, Navies—In Ancient times, the Cabal depended on mercenary forces and slave soldiers, but these were often unsuccessful against the citizen armies fielded by the Greeks and Romans. The Cabal take-over of the Roman Legions began with Marius's "Reforms" which turned the Roman army into a professional fighting force, answerable to Canaanite generals rather than elected consuls, and this was the beginning of the Imperial era. In Feudal times, armies were controlled by Barons, and mercenary "companies", hired by French and Italian cities were organized by Cabal paymasters. The era of modern, standing armies began in Britain when William III surrendered the right to raise armies and impose taxes to the "City of London" controlled Parliament. From that time on, the Cabal could tax British citizens to pay expand their colonial empires, and thus was born the British Empire. The era of conscripted armies began with Frederick the Great and Napoleon and facilitated the continental-wide wars of recent centuries. Since that time, most armies have been infiltrated by secret societies, and virtually all arms dealers, navies and merchant marines have been controlled directly by Cabal agents.
Foundations, Charities, N.G.O.'s—Charities, and government subsidies have been used by the cabal since ancient times to win popular support, control the masses, and disguise their malevolent intent, and the perpetuation of a subservient "underclass" accords with cabal political objectives. In recent centuries, it should be noted that the concept of tax-free charitable foundation was invented to provide a way for Cabal agents to shelter and hide their money. The entire field of charity and non-profits—especially those with a national or international reach, are largely controlled at the top level by Cabal operators. Public corporations, the stock market, non-profit corporations, and N.G.O.'s were all invented by the Cabal to launder money, and disguise their influence. In the United States, the 14th amendment was interpreted by courts to give corporations all the rights due individual citizens. This is an important topic, and if one is to "follow the money", understanding the interconnectedness of large financial corporations, extremely wealthy people, banks, and charities is fairly key. One of the best writers on this subject is Eustace Mullins.
Education, Scholarship—It is reasonably obvious that the modern education system, from government pre-school programs, to teacher unions, to curriculum providers, to Universities, is under Cabal control, and along with modern media, is possibly the most powerful means of propaganda and brain-washing that the cabal employs. But it is less well known that the whole movement for public schools was orchestrated by the Cabal, beginning in Prussia. And Universities have been important centers for Cabal scholarship, publishing, and meddling since their inception in the 13th century. It is even less well known that many of the academies and libraries of the ancient world were controlled or influenced by Phoenicians. Thales, Pythagoras, Plato, and Euclid, and had cabal associations as did many other ancient scholars. More information about the cabal's influence on education from ancient times to the present day is found in Mullin's chapter on Secular Humanism. The Canaanite worshippers of Baal and Astarte were not unsophisticated rubes. They were scholars, authors, architects, scientists, and philosophers as well as ancient men of business. And they have always invested a great deal of effort in educating their own.
Counselors, Lawyers, Confessors, Secretaries—When researching important Cabal agents in history, behind-the-scenes advisors, chancellors, secretaries, treasurers, provisioners, and lawyers of famous leaders are enormously important. Maecenas was likely the brains behind Augustus Caesar, the Greshams and Wolsey served the early Tudors, William Cecil masterminded Elizabeth I's reign, Lord Palmer was a king-pin of Victorian England, and Juan Polanco, the secretary of St. Ignatius, was likely the evil genius behind the Jesuits. History focuses on rulers and generals, but the real puppet masters are usually close behind.
Media, Books, Newspapers, Cinema, Art, Entertainment—The control the Cabal has over modern media, news outlets, cinema, and entertainment is fairly well understood by most conspiracy researchers. What is less understood is how long the Cabal has dominated books and book distribution, and how enormously important the invention of the printing press was to Cabal control of modern society. Virtually all modern alphabets derived from the ancient Phoenician writing system, but the Phoenicians also controlled book making, book-storage, and book-dealing. Our word for "Book" and "Bible" comes from the ancient Phoenician book-trading city of Byblos, and all the major libraries of the ancient world were controlled by Canaanites. Controlling esoteric knowledge in the pre-printing press age was easy, but controlling "news" and propaganda was difficult, since people gossip, oral channels are fairly robust, and traditional ideas were fixed. The printing press changed everything, and ushered in the age of propaganda, novel ideas, "free-thinkers", satire, pornography, popular literature, and censorship.
High Tech, Science—High tech and modern science are recent arrivals, with no comparable ancient antecedents. Suffice it to say that the Cabal has closely watched over all development in this area, but has not been able to exert sufficient control in order to stamp out all opposition. High tech and scientific advancements will either be the death of the Cabal, or the death of humanity. The final outcome is not yet clear. Control by funding agencies and scientific publishing.
For most of history, the active roles for women in the cabal has been limited, and the secrets with which they were entrusted confined to certain specialties. Men who learned higher level secrets as a result of their association with some form of Cabal secret society were forbidden from disclosing them to anyone, even their wives, and women who were entrusted with important cabal tasks were generally supervised. That said, many of the most powerful women in history have suspicious Canaanite associations, and many more, whose identities are not recorded, served as spies, mistresses, madames, poisoners, procurers, handlers, consorts of powerful men, and mothers of royalty. Cabal women have also played a role in the education and programming of Canaanite youth.
Canaanite Queens—It is not difficult to identify notoriously wealthy and maleficent women in history, with highly suspicious connections to the cabal. Almost all the women who are identified in ancient accounts are at least somewhat suspicious, from the priestesses of Delphi to Alexander's mother, from Fulvia and Cleopatra of the Roman era to the Canaanite Empresses of Imperial times. The Frankish queens Brunhilde and Fredogunda were notorious, as were several queens of France, including Catherine Medici and Isabeau of Bavaria.
But this is only a short list of a few particularly notorious queens. Virtually all European royalty is somehow Cabal related, but some monarchs appear to play very passive roles, since the most important occult knowledge is only entrusted to those the cabal considers reliable and of predictable temperament. Historical Sovereigns were frequently eminent puppets rather that high ranking operatives because those who were either unstable and impulsive, or overly independent were a threat to cabal plans.
Matrilineal Lines—That said, numerous queen mothers have played extremely important roles in European history, and since ancient times, the cabal has traced its genealogy largely through matrilineal descent. The union of Cabal daughters to men of influence, both inside and outside the circle of Canaanite "insiders", goes back to ancient times, and a great deal of European history hinges on strategic marriages. The Hapsburg empire arose almost entirely through strategic marriages and the War of the Roses in England was one of many dynastic wars, whose real point of contention was whose daughter should marry into the throne. Promising "outsiders" who have proven themselves useful have greatly increased their standing by strategic marriages to daughters of high ranking cabalists. The Norman sea-kings who took possession of Northern France in the 10th century, for example, married into high ranking cabal families and within a few generations were masters of Europe. And this was not atypical. Since ancient times a number of ruling families of Europe were founded by the marriage of indigenous warrior kings to Cabal-related princesses.
Canaanite Wives—In most normal civilizations, especially those whose laws regarding marriage and inheritance are related to the idea of connubial monogamy, female promiscuity is frowned upon, and prostitution is regarded as disgraceful. This is obviously true in Christian civilizations, but even certain pagan cultures, such as Republican Roman and Ancient Germany, held female chastity in high regard. In Canaanite civilizations, however, all women—even noblewomen—are required to prostitute themselves and engage in sexual perversions involving group or anonymous relations. These rituals are part of the worship of Baal or Astarte, and play an important role in Canaanite methods of indoctrination and mind control. In Cabal society, marriages are contracted for strategic purposes, and sexual fidelity is not expected. When cabal agents are impersonating royalty, however, an appearance of propriety is sometimes required, but the idea of authentic marital fidelity is alien to the entire Baal-worshipping cult.
Promiscuous Noblewomen—Given this background, it is easy to see how promiscuous and debauched behavior among noblewomen in non-Canaanite societies is almost always a mark of cabal infiltration. The same is true of noblemen who appear to be little concerned with the scandalous conduct of wives partners. The universal acceptance of female promiscuity among Canaanites also explains how certain notorious prostitutes from history, such as Theodora, Aspasia, and Catherine I of Russia became attached to men of enormous power, and how little concerned exceedingly prominent men such as Agrippa, Maecenas, and Claudius were regarding the atrocious antics of their wives. The dramatic decline in Roman morals from the ideal of a chaste Roman matron of the Republican period, to orgies and dissolute empresses in the Imperial age is one of the most compelling proofs that the Roman Empire was under Canaanite rule. Compare Caesar's claim upon divorcing his second wife that "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion," to the abominable behavior of Messalina, the wife of Emperor Claudius. Something drastic changed in the public morality of Rome, and that change came about when a cult of demons transformed the Roman Republic into a Canaanite Empire.
Spies and Temptresses—Besides being wives of powerful men, there were a number of other occupations open to Cabal women. Among the noble classes, especially within those families where "strategic" marriages were common, mistresses and consorts often had more access to, and more influence over powerful men than did their wives. And such intimate partners were in an excellent position to spy and finagle; to corrupt or mislead; to persuade or pressure, or if necessary to blackmail or threaten. The "Flying Squadron" of temptresses and spies presided over by Catherine de' Medici is one of the more famous examples of this type of employment of cabal-trained courtesans, but the practice was universal. Canaanite seductresses were used at all levels of society, from courtiers to prostitutes, in order to corrupt, influence, and spy on any man of interest to the cabal, either inside or outside their realm of direct influence. The task of temptresses was always to spy, but depending on the character of the client, she might attempt to bring his behavior into line with cabal objectives, or to fleece him, or to destroy his reputation by corruption and scandal. There are hundreds of historical accounts of each.
Witches and Procurers—There is a reason that witches are a recurrent theme in medieval fairy tales. The cabal has always trafficked in children, and real children have long been in danger of mysterious disappearance. The procurement of children either for sacrifice, or to be inducted into cabal mind-control operations, was sometimes relegated to certain cabal-controlled women. Women working as midwives, or in orphanages, or charitable institutions were often in a good position to procure children, and even children who were kidnapped by bandits, might be "sold" to a woman in an isolated area, who held and tended to them until they were handed off to their ultimate masters. The existence of old witches living alone in a cottage in the woods, who lured children with candy and kept them in cages, was quite real, as were many of the other terrors and tortures that were common to fairy tales. The Grimm brothers were historians as well as folklorists.
Poisoners—Poisoning is a significantly under-reported phenomenon, and has had an enormous influence on history. The number of monarchs of all ages, who have died suddenly of "dysentery," (intestinal pains), "malaria" (fever and chills), "pleurisy" (inability to breathe), or "apoplexy" (sudden loss of consciousness) is quite stunning. A number of battles have been lost due to sudden outbreaks of "plague." Queens and mistresses have mysteriously fallen ill, or given birth to stillborn babies. Monarchs have gone inexplicitly insane. Wealthy merchants have suddenly fallen ill, leaving vast fortunes. The death of several Holy Roman Emperors and dozens of Popes is attributable to poison. And rumors of poisoning, as well as that of child-sacrifice, was behind several of the most notorious pogroms of the Middle Ages.
The art of poisoning is one of the oldest and most valuable of Canaanite secrets, and it arts have been practiced by many female occultists, such as Locusta, Lucrezia Borgia, La Voison, and Catherine de Medici. The science of poisons is complicated. Some poisons worsen a subjects condition over time, some act immediately. Some must be ingested, and other absorbed by the skin or inhaled. Specialized poisons can act as abortifacients or cause madness.
The "Affair of the Poisons"—One of the most interesting and revealing poisoning incidents in history was the "Affair of the Poisons", an enormous scandal in France that implicated dozens of nobles at the court of Louis XIV, including his primary mistress, Madame de Montespan. Not only were charges made of a black market in aphrodisiacs and "inheritance powder" (poison), but some of the subjects of the investigation confessed to participating in black masses, satanic rituals, child murder, drinking blood, and other occult activities involving high ranking French courtiers. The affair exposed the occult barbarities common among European royalty, and came close to ruining Louis XIV's court.
Gen 9.25: "Cursed be Canaan; A servant
of servants
He shall be to his brethren."
From ancient times the Canaanite network has been heavily involved in the slave trade. The belief that they were a superior race that was entitled to enslave the rest of humanity was deeply ingrained. The entire Canaanite civilization was run with slave labor, and when they expanded their operation at the time they took over Rome, they also vastly expanded their slave trading network. Everywhere in history that slaves are found, Canaanite slave traders and slave owners are nearby. Slaves have always been needed to dig in Canaanite mines, work on Canaanite plantations, and serve in Canaanite industries. Human trafficking is a way of life to the Cabal, and still exists in disguised forms in much of the modern world.
The Curse of Canaan—In Genesis 9:25, after Ham defiles his father, Noah cursed Ham's fourth son Canaan. "Cursed be Canaan; A servant of servants He shall be to his brethren." (Gen 9:25) This verse, however, when read through Canaanite eyes means the opposite of what is stated, and is the basis for the Canaanite belief that they are entitled to enslave the rest of humanity. All is backwards to the Canaanite nation. They serve the enemy of the God of Abraham and their bylaws are the ten commandments inverted.
Slavery in Ancient Times—The Phoenicians enslaved thousands of people. They needed galley slaves for their ships; slaves to mine their silver and forge their metals; slaves to work their agricultural plantations; and household slaves to serve them. They also hired mercenaries and slave soldiers to fight their battles. At least half the population of major Phoenician cities was enslaved, and in rural regions surrounding Carthage, slaves were a majority of the population. Slaves were sometimes acquired in wars, but more frequently were captured by pirates who attacked passenger ships and coastal towns to obtain slaves.
A moderate amount of slavery existed in the Roman Republic, but during the Imperial era the number of slaves, especially on large plantations (latifundia) vastly increased. Julius Caesar alone enslaved over a million Gauls. During this same time thousands of family-worked farms were purchased by wealthy equestrians who combined them into enormous plantations worked by slaves. This completely transformed the Roman economy, from a nation of independent land-owners, to a commercial oligarchy. Almost all the great imperial works of Rome, including roads, bridges, buildings, aqueducts, and baths were made with slave labor, and obtaining slaves was one of the main purposes of Rome's imperial wars.
Mediaeval Slave Trade—The prevalence of chattel slavery waned in Christian Europe as the church outlawed the enslavement of Christians. Even so, a vigorous trade in slaves from non-Christian lands (Slavs, Turks, Balts, etc.) to Moslems in North Africa and Spain was carried on in the Near East. Castrated boys were especially sought after so they could be inducted as slave-soldiers, or eunuch servants. Unsurprisingly the Medieval slave trade in Christian Europe was controlled entirely by the "usual suspects" that is, Venetians, Genoans, and Jews. All these trade associations were cabal-controlled and have historical ties to Phoenician networks. In the formerly Phoenician strongholds of Moorish Spain and North Africa, slavery and slave trading was unhindered, but to a large extent the Feudal system replaced chattel slavery in Europe. Instead of individual property owners possessing slaves, land was controlled by a noble class and the peasantry reduced to serfdom; a Christianized form of communal servitude.
Slave Soldiers—Slave armies have existed to serve Canaanite masters since ancient times. The term 'Mameluke', commonly used to describe Moslem armies composed of foreign boys, literally means "purchased slave". However, the practice of raising slave armies from foreign captives long predates Islam. In most cases the boy recruits were raised in a military camp, subject to sexual abuse and servitude at the hands of older men. This was in fact, the same technique Sparta used to train its famous soldier citizens. Unlike Spartans, however, who were full citizens and maintained family contacts, most cabal slave soldiers were forcibly taken from their families, and often castrated. The Janissaries, the Mamelukes, and a number of the "Free Companies" of Mediaeval Europe were formed by these methods of abuse, servitude, and indoctrination. In addition to mercenary armies, the same methods were used to induct captive boys into pirate networks, or merchant marines. In almost all cases, however, the officers and leaders of the slave regiments, who had higher social status than the rank-and-file, were recruited from well-connected families. These brutal methods of enslaving and brain-washing their minions is common to many other cabal endeavors, and is a foundational method of Canaanite mind-control.
New World Slave Trade—The first African slaves arrived in the New World only a few years after Columbus's discovery. The reasons that African slaves were readily available to transport to the Americas, and "conquistadors" were so anxious to establish slave-run encomiendas is that inhabitants of Madeira and the Canary Islands had already established a profitable system of sugar plantations worked by African slaves. The West African slaving network required to farm foreign plantations was already in place and only needed to be expanded to the New World. It was existing slave traders from the Canary Islands hoping to expand their market who supplied African slaves to the Spanish.
The truth of course, was that the western coast of Africa, including the Canary Islands and Madeira, had been a Phoenician stronghold since ancient times. Lixus, Morocco, and Cadiz, Spain were the two Phoenician "Pillars of Hercules." West African colonies existed during Roman times and certainly absorbed thousands of Carthaginian refugees during the Punic Wars. Although it is denied in many histories, the Phoenicians were known to have had advanced methods of open sea navigation and there is considerable evidence they visited the Americas and were aware of a western continent. Columbus spent several years trading along the coasts of West Africa, where he very likely heard rumors of western lands, and the Canary Islands was the first stop his voyage.
From the beginning of Spanish colonization of the Americas, the Phoenician-controlled Canary Islands were a stopping point for conquistadors, missionaries, and slave traders headed west. Eventually the African slave trade passed into the hand of cabal-connected allies in Portugal and Britain, but human trafficking has always been a Canaanite prerogative. Crypto-Canaanite Jewish networks established plantations in Brazil, Jamaica, and the Americas, and were known for slave-trading. And Crypto-Canaanite "Jews" were also known to have inhabited the Canary Islands long before the age of discovery.
Barbary Slave Trade—During the 16th through 18th centuries, Barbary Pirates operated "white slavery" rings and attacked ships and coastal towns to obtain Christian captives. Kidnapping travelers, holding wealthy passengers for ransom, and selling the rest into slavery in Moslem lands was their primary business. The Barbary pirates had suspicious associations with Sephardim Jews and Moors who had been expelled from Spain, and for the most part confined their attacks to Catholic countries, and rivals of the British, French, and Dutch cabal-controlled trading companies. The governors of Tunis, Algiers and Tripoli, who protected the pirates, also had suspicious cabal associations.
Communist Slave Labor—As horrifying as chattel slavery is, even worse forms of slavery have been introduced in recent times by totalitarian regimes. Most are instituted under the cover of penal or "re-education" camps. Soon after the Russian Revolution, the Bolshevik leaders planned for industrialization and collectivization of the country. However, such a radical change that could not be accomplished without forced labor, so they established a dedicated "State Political Directorate" (GPU) to operate a slave-prison system. It is commonly understood that communists arrested thousands of "political prisoners" and then put them to work, but this obscures the primary objective. The camp directors would first determine how many slaves were needed for particular project and then provide quotas for how many people to arrest in each district. The political charges were trumped up, and much effort was put into extracting confessions and denunciations, that could be used to incriminate future victims and provide political cover for what was essentially an impressment operation for communist slave-labor camps.
Child Labor—Human Trafficking—It is clear that up until recent centuries, Cabal conspirators, whether operating under Jewish, Christian, or Mohammedan cover, controlled virtually all slave trading in western nations. But since outlawing slavery in the 19th century, the Cabal has crafted ever more devious forms of slavery under the cover of "free enterprise." The Industrial Revolution ushered in the era of factory toil, urban slums, and child labor which often occurred under inhuman conditions.
Although the worst abominations of child labor have been reformed in western countries, where the industrial revolution arose, an even worse type of de facto enslavement of children now exists in third world countries. The cabalists have simply moved manufacturing "off-shore", to countries where they don't have to pay a livable wage or worry about environmental regulations. This has created urban slums and child enslavement in East Asia and other third world nations where the majority of manufacturing is now done. To supplement the need for sweatshop labor, children are kidnapped worldwide and sold to factory and sex-trade operators in countries where totalitarian governments control industry and permit all form of abuse. Even today many products sold in American stores are produced by foreigners working under slave-labor conditions.
Everything Has Meaning—The first thing to understand about cabal symbolism is that almost everything has a hidden meaning. Names have meaning, numbers have meaning, symbols and geometric forms have meanings, animals have meaning, locations and distances have meaning, colors have meaning, letters have meaning, songs and lyrics have meaning . . . it goes on and on.
We do not believe that it is essential to spend a great deal of time studying or attempting to understand the meanings of cabal symbolism,—especially since books on this subject are typically loaded with misinformation. But it is important to recognize that such symbolism exists and that it is pervasive, so that you understand the powerful brain-washing affect this type of "secret knowledge" has on initiates. Even those with limited associations with the cabal, and a misguided understanding of its aims can be powerfully influenced by Cabal symbolism.
The following is an abbreviated quote from a book that describes how the cabal and secret societies impress initiates by convincing them of the universal reach of their influence. It simply lists a number of cars that are given demonic names, and discusses the meaning of eagle symbolism.
"The men who head these auto manufacturing companies are in the Illuminati. . . The name Saturn, and Belair are well-known as occult names for Satan. . . Electra is a recent car named after a demon. . . . Viper is also the name of an important demon. . . . . The company name Mazda comes from the god Ahura-Mazda which was the 'god of light' . . . Other names of cars include the Demon, the Vagabond, Dodge Ram (Goat of Mendes), Buick's Phoenix, Ford's Cobra, Mercury's Cougar, Eagle Jeeps, the Le Baron Eagle Logo, Navistar Eagle.
Many other occult names of significance to the Illuminati involving eagles have been placed on cars. . . . For most of us an eagle is a symbol of what is noble and beautiful. Historically, the eagle and the snake have been the logo of the tribe of Dan, considered the 'black sheep' of the 12 tribes. . . . However, the reframing that is done by the Illuminati upon these symbols is that the eagle represents Satan's empire. The Assyrian, Roman, and Nazi empires used the eagle. The Illuminati point these things out to their initiates, and ask, 'Is this a symbol of Christianity, or the power of our lineages which ruled those empires?'"
The important point to understand regarding Cabal symbolism, is that it is absolutely everywhere. Once you recognize their symbols, you cannot unsee them. The above quote only refers to cars, but similar associations could be made by analyzing hundreds of well known company logos, or medieval heraldry, or ancient monuments. Once you understand that colors, animals, symbols, patterns, and everything else has been intentionally encoded with meanings known only to "insiders", you see such patterns everywhere: in the names of ancient and modern cities, on facades of historic buildings, within iconography in medieval and modern art, encoded into esoteric references in medieval poetry or modern literature, and even in the official portraiture of hundreds of historical characters. Cabal symbolism is ubiquitous, and everything has meaning.
There are a few common and obvious Cabal symbols, such as the pyramid, obelisk, all seeing eye, eagle, sun, crecent moon, snake, and hexagram, that one can hardly help but recognize, and the prevalence of these symbols helps demonstrate the ancient roots and pervasiveness of the cult. But beyond these common signs, are hundreds of cabal related names, images, logos, and dozens of lesser known symbols, but it may be best to leave them uninvestigated. Learning too much about cabal symbolism is that it tends to "ruin" many cultural artifacts, such as popular music and religious art, which, when approached with naive intent, can be innocently enjoyed.
Multiple Meanings, Half-truths—As a result of our investigations into the history of secret societies, we have unavoidably encountered dozens of cabal-related terms and symbols, but have not studied occult esoterica directly. The main reason for this is that we believe that much of the mystery and mythology behind cabal symbolism is pure hokem, and is mainly used to project power and for brain-washing and manipulation. We do not particularly doubt that many symbols are attached to historically significant people or events, and that when the Cabal shares its "secrets" to initiates, there is some basis for some of their claims. But given that the cabalists are pathological liars and manipulators, and the projection of an aura of mystery and hidden knowledge is an intentional ruse, we have no compelling interest in being drawn into their weird games. Most books that purport to tell you what these symbols mean are either lying or telling half-truths. Most symbols have multiple meanings, and almost everyone (including us) thinks that they know more than they really do. We prefer to investigate the Cabal on our own terms, not theirs.
Backward/Upside Down, Inverted meanings, Anagrams—The cabal is obsessed with backwards, upside-down, and opposite symbolism and meanings. This applies to dates, numbers, words, and of course symbols. Just a few examples: Lebanon spelled backwards is "Non Abel" (meaning Cain). The Shalom, the Hebrew word for peace, spelled backwards is Moloch. 9-11 is a Cabal watchword. It comes from the Roman numeral symbolism of IXXI. Siri is the name of the Apple's Virtual Assistant; spelled backwards it is Iris, indicating the cabal's all-seeing eye, and Apple's spying operation. The cabal like palindromes and anagrams as well, not to mention numerology, ancient alphabets, and all sorts of other weird stuff.
Other Resources—Dozens of books have been written about Occult Symbolism and Esoterica. This is not our field of expertise, and we don't much care for it. There is undoubtedly some genuine historical knowledge buried under the piles of malarkey and hocus pocus, but we think much occult esoterica is bunk, fake secrets invented by the cabal to deflect attention from its real secrets. We believe that all of the Cabal's obelisks should be taken down, ground into sand, and thrown into the ocean, and that all depictions of the "all-seeing eye" should be likewise obliterated. Then, all other cabal symbolism should be ignored, so that we can innocently enjoy triangles, hexagrams, red stripes, the number 33, the letter M, and all other objects the cabal has attached offensive meanings to. The heck with them and their stupid symbols. It's all bunkum. But if you insist, a list of public domain books that cover occult symbolism and other nonsense is here.
The purpose of this section is simply to summarize "Red Flags" that help identify Cabal activity in history. Most are only covered briefly here and links to more information is provided, if available. In modern times, the reach of the cabal is so great, with virtually the entire world enslaved by fractional-reserve banking and all large, multi-national corporations in the cabal camp, it is an impossible task to identify "Cabal markers". If we confine ourselves to a review of Ancient, Mediaeval, and Early Modern History, however, the problem becomes more manageable.
The following Red Flags, are only meant to indicate when it is time to give a situation a closer look. One or even two red flags does not necessarily incriminate anyone. You must make an effort to comprehend the whole system and not jump to conclusions.
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