Semitic History: Israelites and Canaanites

"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not,
but are the synagogue of Satan." — Revelation 2:9

This page discusses the difficult and controversial topic of the relationship between historical Jewish communities and Canaanite-controlled secret societies. It assumes the reader is already familiar with the truth about Phoenician trading networks of the Ancient world and the association between Canaanites and secret societies. The history and culture of Phoenicia during Biblical times is discussed on the Ancient Phoenicians Advanced Study page. These topics need to be thoroughly understood before any discussion of Canaanite relations with Jews can be fruitful. However, a quick review of the essentials, as they relate to Jewish history is presented below.

Ancient Jews     Jews and Secret Societies    
Jewish History Overview     The Jewish Diaspora    
Regional Jewish History     Sephardim     Canaanite Foils    

NOTE: We are sorry if anyone is offended by some of the disclosures on this page. Our intention is not to injure, but to discern truth and correct misconceptions. If anyone who objects to these statements is able to clarify the true relationship between Canaanites and certain Jewish communities more clearly than we have done here, we would be happy to consider the evidence.

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Ancient Jews and Canaanites

Much 'Secret Society' research appears to demonstrate links to a world wide criminal network under supposedly "Jewish" control, but this is an intentional diversion. The true culprits are Canaanites (a.k.a Phoenicians), some of whom have assumed Jewish identities. In Biblical times, the Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon were trading partners of the Hebrews and brought immense wealth to Israel. The king of Tyre was an associate of Solomon and provided architects and materials for his Temple. In spite of the warnings of the prophets, many Israelites were attracted to the power and luxury of their Phoenician neighbors and fell into idolatry, while others stayed true to the God of Israel. This was the beginning of the complicated relationship between Hebrews and their pagan neighbors which has continued ever since.

By the third century B.C. both Hebrews and Phoenicians fell under Macedonian control. The city of Tyre was destroyed, and its inhabitants scattered. Shortly thereafter, Judea fell under control of the extremely Philo-Semitic Ptolemy dynasty, and within a generation tens of thousands of Jews relocated to the new Greek city of Alexandria. Alexandria quickly came to control the Eastern trading routes formerly dominated by Tyre, and many Jews were given government jobs, including supervising trade and tax-collection. Under Ptolemy patronage, Hebrew scriptures were converted to Koine Greek and over time Hellenistic Jewish communities spread to Cyrene, Cyprus, Antioch, Rome, and many other strategic trading centers.

During Imperial times Hellenistic Jews who resented Roman encroachments rebelled. The Roman-Jewish War of 70 A.D. was the first of three rebellions which culminated in the destruction of both Jerusalem and much of the city of Alexandria, and mass murders of Roman citizens in Cyrene and Cyprus. Following the Kitos War of 115 A.D. Jews were expelled from Palestine and many migrated to join the Babylon-Jewish community under Parthian control. For the next 500 years Babylon became the cultural center of Judaism, and it was there that Rabbinical, Talmud-based Judaism traditions arose.

This short history of Jewish progress under the Hellenistic empires begs the question of what happened to the pre-existing Phoenician population of the region. They did not disappear. Hellenized cities such as Heliopolis and Palmyra remained openly Canaanite, and the Severan Dynasty in Rome (193-235 A.D.) descended from Phoenician royalty. Yet the royal families of both the Ptolemy and Seleucid dynasty exhibited definite Canaanite traits, and the ease with which Hellenized Jews overtook the Phoenician trading empire of the region seems deeply suspicious. Who exactly were these "Hellenized Jews". It would seem that the Canaanite habit of impersonating Jews began during ancient times.

NOTE: In 322 B.C., following the death of Alexander the Great, Ptolemy I Soter absconded with his body and established the Ptolemaic Empire in Egypt. The influential "Skull and Bones" secret society of Yale University is also known as "Order 322." Probably just a coincidence.

Jews and Secret Societies

Many studies on Secret Societies trace the 'masterminds' of occult organizations, such as Freemasonry, to Jews. Jews appear to have oversized influence in many fields in which secret societies operate, such as banking, government, news media, entertainment, shipping, and international corporations. We have stated that the true culprits are Canaanites, and that although some powerful Canaanite leaders present themselves as Jews, many Canaanite agents assume non-Jewish identities. We have also said that most rank-and-file Jews have no knowledge of the inner workings of the Cabal, and that the use of equivocal language to disguise Canaanite activities under Jewish cover is an intentional deception.

The truth is that virtually all secret societies are of Canaanite origin, and many signs and symbols associated with secret societies that researchers identify as Jewish are actually Phoenician. For example, several authors have demonstrated extensive connections between Freemasonry and Judaism, mainly by noting associations between masonic and Jewish activities. Hiram Abiff, the central character of masonic allegory, was Phoenician, and almost all the symbolic references to Solomon's Temple that are assumed to be Jewish such as the "Pillars of Masonry" are also Phoenician. The same is true of other secret societies that are thought to have Jewish associations. (See Phoenicians and Secret Societies for more examples).

Jews have been useful foils for Canaanites since Biblical times, and the relationship between Jews and Canaanites is hard to discuss without making specious and unfair generalizations. Jewish history is quite spotty in places, especially regarding the supposed Jewish Diaspora, in spite of the fact the Jews have been a highly educated and literate people for over 2000 years. There is much that is suspicious, but it is difficult to make claims of culpability with authority, and most lower ranking Jews were oblivious to the perfidy of their Canaanite overlords. There are diverse Jewish communities worldwide, and the degree to which each has been infiltrated is not obvious. But in many ways, historical Jewish communities were organized in the same manner as secret societies, with both "inner" and "outer" layers of influence. Like secret societies, segregated Jewish communities existed to spy, on, manipulate, lie to, and attempt to control and indoctrinate their members. Most Jewish "outsiders" were unaware of the horrifying secrets of the Canaanite leadership, yet still were brain-washed, loyal minions who inadvertently served the interests of a demonic cult.

The relationship between Jews, revolutionary activity, and secret societies is intentionally murky, and an enormous amount of disinformation has made an already confusing situation impossible to discuss with either impartiality or clarity. To inflame matters even more, much of Jewish history is written from a spitefully anti-Christian point-of-view that confirms the worst suspicions of non-Jewish critics. The associations between certain Jews and subversive organizations are legion and provide compelling evidence of criminality. But having identified the "culprits", many researchers look no further, and assume they have uncovered the malevolent force behind Secret Societies, when they have only fallen into a carefully laid snare.

The Jewish-Phoenician Diaspora

The story of the so-called "Jewish Diaspora", by which Jewish communities migrated throughout Europe to become merchants and money-lenders in territories that that had long been controlled by crypto-Phoenician networks, is less than forthright. What is historically certain is that an international trading network, operated by Phoenicians agents existed throughout Europe and the Near East during Biblical times. The network continued to operate during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, and may have been associated with some of the Greco-Roman mystery cults, such as those of Mithra, Dionysius, Isis, and Cybele.

As formerly pagan lands became Christianized, some of the crypto-Canaanite merchant guilds evolved into Jewish communities, and Jews took over many of the vocations that formerly occupied Phoenician agents. The Catholic Church conveniently forbid usury, so Jewish money-lenders had an effective monopoly in Christian lands, and were often protected by Christian princes. Much of the Jewish Diaspora occurred during the "dark ages" when detailed records of advanced nations were mysteriously erased from history so by the age of Charlemagne, Jewish trading networks appear fully operational in northern Germany and France, with few details about how they arose. At the same time, numerous secret societies, orders of chivalry, guilds, and secretive trading monopolies arose, and all had many contacts with Jewish communities. It is thought that William the Conqueror and Count Baldwin of Flanders invited Jewish money-lenders into their realms in the 11th century, so between Jewish networks, Christian princes, the "Black Nobility", merchant cartels, and Catholic agents in the Vatican, much of medieval Europe was under direct or indirect Canaanite control.

It is futile to wonder about the degree of Canaanite influence in these far-flung Jewish trading and money-lending communities. The way in which Canaanite-controlled societies operate is always the same. There are always varying degrees of secret knowledge. There is always an "outer" layer of uninitiated members who know little of the groups secrets and an "inner" group of masterminds who possess the real power. There is always a system of espionage, grooming, and mind-control that operates on all members so that the most promising acolytes have a path forward. There is always a use for diligent and sincere members who are outside the inner sanctum to provide cover for the nefarious leaders. It is unlikely that Canaanite-controlled Jewish communities would operate in any other way. All Canaanite organizations are oligarchical, and the most respected leaders are always the most culpable.

Overview of Jewish History

The following books from the Heritage History library provide a short outline of Jewish history. Like all conventional histories, Jewish history is redacted to obfuscate Canaanite influence. Famous characters who opposed the Canaanite agenda are portrayed as narrow-minded bigots and those who co-operated with Canaanite aims are extolled as humanitarians. The same distortions are apparent in almost all historical accounts, but they are especially striking in Jewish histories. Much emphasis is usually placed on Jewish conflicts with the Catholic Church in spite of the fact that many Catholic popes and bishops have protected Jewish communities and even sided with Jewish interests against Catholic laymen on many occasions.

1000 Years of Jewish History Maurice Harris     (1904) 154 pts
1000 Years of Jewish History
Maurice Harris     (1904) 154 pts
History of Mediaval Jews Maurice Harris     (1907) 204 pts
History of Mediaval Jews
Maurice Harris     (1907) 204 pts
Modern Jewish History Maurice Harris     (1922) 102 pts
Modern Jewish History
Maurice Harris     (1922) 102 pts
Last Days of Jerusalem Alfred J. Church     (1903) 48 pts
Last Days of Jerusalem
Alfred J. Church     (1903) 48 pts
The Jews Under Roman Rule W. D. Morrison     (1895) 143 pts
The Jews Under Roman Rule
W. D. Morrison     (1895) 143 pts

The Harris series on Jewish history is a "student" version and not the best, but it identifies Jewish heroes and provides many references for further research. Harris covers a great deal of information in short compass, but he writes from an arch-typical philo-Semitic viewpoint (i.e. all who oppose Jewish interests are 'bigots'). Graetz's six volume History of the Jews, available online at Gutenberg, is much more in depth and authoritative, but similarly distorted.

Josephus's history of the siege of Jerusalem (abridged by Church) is especially instructive. What is portrayed in most conventional histories as a Roman war against the Jews reveals itself to have been a murderous civil war within Jerusalem, with a zealot faction slaughtering hundreds of innocent citizens. The handiwork of the blood-thirsty and fanatical Canaanites among the Jewish people was evident even in ancient times.

When reading Jewish history it is important to remember that Canaanite conspirators disguise their presence by fomenting conflict and turning people against each other. Once a race, nation, or religious group has identified an opposing group as an enemy they are predisposed to be critical and suspicious of that group, and to seek leaders who will protect them from their foes. By inciting antagonism between Jews and Christians, the cabal is able to control both sides and divert attention from its own perfidy. Anti-Christian Jewish histories. therefore, are written primarily for Jewish audiences, and are one of many methods of brain-washing, increasing antipathy, and inducing Jews to submit to the leadership of their crypto-Canaanite masters. Similar techniques have been used by the cabal to divide Catholics and Protestants, French and Germans, blacks and whites, etc. The alienation of Jews from Christians however, is one of their most noteworthy projects, since estranged Jews are among their most essential divisions of brain-washed minions.

Regional Jewish History

The above books provide a general look at 3000 years of Jewish history, but the full story of the Jews and their Canaanite brethren is far more complicated. Different subgroups of Jews have unique histories, and some Jewish communities are far more suspicious than others. And it is unlikely that those Jews with the most sympathetic treatment in conventional histories are the least culpable. It is the wealthy, well-educated, "court-Jews" of Western Europe who have the most to answer for, while the less affluent Polish Jews, controlled by theocratic "Kahals", more likely served as pawns. Unsurprisingly it was mainly the Eastern European Jews, not the prosperous Sephardim, who perished in the Holocaust.

The following summaries are based on historical accounts of Jewish communities since the Biblical era. We have identified Jewish groups that are associated with particular regions because we believe it is more constructive to discuss baneful influences on specific groups rather than lumping all Jews together. Some of these points may be controversial, but they are not made lightly and serious historical investigation is necessary for further discussion of disputed points.

This list of Jewish communities is not exhaustive. It makes no mention of British, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, or Russian Jews among others, each of which has a unique history. The list has been provided to demonstrate that Jewish settlement outside of the Holy land was a complicated process and the Jewish communities of each region have particular histories that need to be considered in evaluating their association with Canaanite influences.

The following books provide regional histories of selected Jewish communities, especially the Khazarians and Eastern European Jews.

The Thirteenth Tribe Arthur Koestler     (1976) 93 pts
The Thirteenth Tribe
Arthur Koestler     (1976) 93 pts
Jews Before the Revolution Alexander Solzhenitsyn     (2001) 100 pts
Jews Before the Revolution
Alexander Solzhenitsyn     (2001) 100 pts

Sephardic Jews of Spain and Portugal

Little is known by most people about the history of the Sephardic Jews because little is known in general about the history of Spain. Spanish history is covered only superficially in most world histories, and in English accounts it suffers the distortions of "The Black Legend", a style of historical writing that "demonizes the Spanish Empire in a politically motivated attempt to morally disqualify Spain and incite animosity against Spanish rule". The motivation for this distorted view of Spain becomes clear once one begins to see the ancient and disturbing Phoenician associations of the Sephardic Jewish community.

In ancient times, Spain was the Silver-house of Europe, and it was colonized by Phoenician traders before 1000 B.C. When Carthage was destroyed in 146 B.C. most Phoenicians escaped the city and were absorbed into existing settlements in Spain, North Africa, and Italy. From their new haunts, this distributed network of aggrieved, but very wealthy conspirators did much to influence subsequent Roman history, beginning with stresses inflicted by the baneful Roman conquest of Hispania. These stresses included monetary chaos caused by massive infusions of silver coins, wide scale bribery of public officials, logistical difficulties of a long-term foreign war, and vast expansion of large scale agricultural estates worked by slaves. The social unrest caused by these problems played an enormous role in the fall of the Roman republic and rise of the Caesars. During this time the financial support of wealthy Hispanic moneyers was so important that immediately after Julius Caesar rose to power, he granted "Roman Citizenship" to his allies in Cadiz. (See the Phoenician-Roman Empire for more details.)

Many Roman leaders during Imperial times, including several of the "Five Good Emperors" had associations with Spain, and by the time of Visigoth rule, the ancient Phoenician aristocracy somehow evolved into a Jewish aristocracy. Jewish conflict with the Catholic Church began as soon the Visigoth Royal family converted from Arian Christianity, and a few generations later, Spanish Jews were blamed for the fall of Christian Spain to the Moors. A Jewish governor of Cueta was said to have invited the Moorish invaders and provided for their voyage; and following a single battle, most Iberian cities immediately capitulated, almost as if things had been arranged in advance. The Cordoba Caliphate was a Golden Age for Spanish Jews, and many served as Viziers or other officials of the Moorish government. Within a few generations of its conquest by a band of Berber nomads, Moorish Spain was the most advanced nation in Europe, with large libraries and academies, a prosperous economy, a vast trading network, and no bothersome restrictions on slavery.

During the Reconquista, Spanish Jews traded in Christian slaves, and were thought to favor the Moors. The common people greatly distrusted the Jews who they blamed for many ills, yet they were protected by the Spanish and Portuguese nobility. Anti-Jewish pogroms began in Seville in the late 1300s, due to the alleged murder of a popular king and his minister, and spread throughout Spain. At this time thousands of Jews converted to Christianity under duress, but they were still distrusted, and rumors of child-sacrifice and other outrages were rampant. The inquisition was established to root out false conversions, but the disclosures of disturbing rituals only fueled anti-Jewish hatreds, and the alleged murder of the "Holy Child of La Guardia" was the final straw. Unable to protect the Spanish Jews from a hostile population, Isabela and Ferdinand expelled them from Spain. The sad story of tens of thousands of Spanish Jews banished from their homeland, and thousands more stripped of their property by the "Spanish Inquisition" is the basis of the "Black Legend".

But the question remains, who were the Spanish Jews? Were they really as treacherous as the Spanish Christians supposed? Did they really oversee the Moorish conquest of Spain? Did they really enslave Christians, poison princes, and ritually sacrifice children? And what became of them when they left Spain? If the Spanish Jews were in fact, crypto-Canaanites, the conflicts with the Church, the miraculous rise and extreme wealth of Cordoba, the long association with the slave trade, the hostility of Spanish Christians, the accusations of "blood libel", and the activities of the "Spanish Inquisition," make far more sense. There are many disturbing facts of history that Christian bigotry and superstition cannot explain away. We believe with that with sufficient investigation, these questions answer themselves.

As to what became of the Spanish Jews who fled Spain in 1492, that is an interesting question, and it is best answered by Jewish writers. An excellent book on this topic is Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean, which makes the following claims. Exiled Iberian Jews:—

And this doesn't even begin to explore the involvement of Spanish Jews and Marranos in the Protestant Reformation, the Netherlands Revolt against Spain, the political machinations of the Jesuit order, the Cromwellian Civil Wars in England, the first Jewish communities in North America, or the affairs of the British East India Company.

Spanish Jews and the Jesuit Order—Speaking of the "political machinations of the Jesuits", it is notable that the Jesuits Order was founded predominantly by Spanish "conversos",—that is, Jewish converts to Christianity. Of the official seven Jesuit founders, three were from Converso families, including Diego Lainez, the second Superior General. But two other "conversos" played extremely important roles in the foundation of the order: Juan Alfonso de Polanco, the secretary of St. Ignatius, was from one of the wealthiest, most prominent converso families in Spain, and Jerome Nadal, the first Vicar General, was a Hebrew scholar from the Balearic Islands. Nadal's role was to travel throughout Europe recruiting novices, raising money, and founding houses. At the time the Jesuit order was founded, both the Franciscan and Dominican orders were closed to conversos, but the Jesuits welcomed Jewish converts, not only from Spain but from all over Europe. The Jesuit logo is obviously Canaanite, and there is much more to say about the order's connections with secret societies, but for now, their long-association with Spanish Jews is sufficient.

Spanish Jews and Exploration—Spanish Jews played an enormous role in both Portuguese and Spanish exploration. Jews or Crypto-Jews served as navigators, sailors, cartographers, provisioners, and financial backers on almost every exploratory expedition during the "Age of Discovery". Jewish merchants or sailors who were expelled from Spain found ready employment in Portugal, Genoa, Amsterdam, and other port cities who welcomed their talents and resources. Kayserling's book tells the story of Columbus's voyage from a Jewish viewpoint and underscores the vast influence of Jewish mariners on naval history.

Columbus and the Jews Meyer Kayserling     (1893) 100 pts
Columbus and the Jews
Meyer Kayserling     (1893) 100 pts

There is frequent talk of the perfidy of the "Khazarian" Jews from Jewish as well as anti-Semitic sources, yet the Khazarians were Turks with limited Jewish contacts until the 10th century. Spanish Jews, on the other hand, who share an ancient and disturbing Phoenician heritage, are generally treated sympathetically in most histories, while their Christian accusers are portrayed as ignorant bigots. We believe that in any balanced analysis of Canaanite influence on worldwide Jewish communities, the Spanish Jews deserve a much closer and more critical look.

Jews as Canaanite Foils

Before attempting to summarize the role of Jews in the worldwide Canaanite network, a few reminders are in order.

First, there is a disturbing question of foreknowledge and culpability among Jews that is difficult to address. This is because there are many, many Canaanite secrets, many semi-independent networks, and many levels of knowledge and initiation. It is undoubtedly true than some Jews have been high level Canaanite leaders, but many others appear to know almost nothing about the inner workings of the cult and may have practiced their Jewish religion in ignorance of the true objectives of some of their more malevolent leaders. This is true even of Jews who appear to have worked as cabal minions, such as tax-collectors, procurers, or usurers, since they may have operated without a full understanding of Canaanite objectives and without participating in Canaanite rituals. It is impossible to know the culpability of individual Jews, except those few who are notoriously sinister, so it is futile to either condemn or exonerate a whole class of people. Suspicious connections between Canaanite activities and Jewish communities should be noted, but an individual accounting is impossible.

Second, the Canaanites are a brain-washing and mind-control cult. They spy on, manipulate, corrupt, abuse and lie to everyone around them. If Jews have been in closer proximity to their Canaanite puppet-masters than most other people, they have suffered more at their hands than most other people. Those of us that grew up in reasonably functional, normal, human communities, can have no idea what it means to be enslaved by a demonic cult, in which everyone is expected to show unshakeable allegiance to the group, and in which everyone is expendable. The degree to which individual Jews have been brain-washed undoubtedly varies, but Rabbinic Judaism is a cult and the Talmud is a fraud. Every person raised as a member of an exclusive Jewish community has been affected.

Third, the Jews were far from being the only nation to fall under Canaanite control. Phoenician agents have dominated world trade since Biblical times, and their well-honed means of deception have been employed to enslave many non-Jewish nations. They have married into eminent families worldwide and set up networks of spies and financiers in every commercial center. Over time, they have exerted influence on kings and rulers for centuries, by way of espionage, bribery and subversion. Canaanites have always been masters of deception, and sincere patriots whose governments have been infiltrated usually have no idea they are beholden to a foreign power. The Jews are only one of many peoples the world over, who have served as unwitting Canaanite agents for centuries.

That said, there are reasons that Jews have been especially useful foils for Canaanite intriguers for over two millenia:

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